2007 : ]

Jan 02, 2007 01:49

End of 06 was pretty good
Apart from Innsommnia
Christas was average as usual
They are vouchers Miaksh! :P
So I went to stay with Mikash which was aweseome : ]
It helped me alot actually, good to get away from it all n sort my head out : ]
I managed to remember some important things and it' helped me! : ]
Then I ummm didn't do alot haha except drink!
Me and Bambi had a good NYE in LDN haha
We got drunk n stuff
And there was a scary big black guy
And he kept pullin Bambi coz she was passing out
And we were like "help"
So she was like "I need a wee" and we went into the bar so she could use the bathroom
And I went past the loo n stood at the bar, then he was next to me : [
He was lookin round n Bambi came over and I was like "go outside, run before he see's you"
So I gave him a beer n said I needed a wee and he came too!
So then we came back up and he was like "I think she's up here"
And I was like "dud maybe she've over there" pointing to the back of the bar
And I was like "i'll check over here" at the front of the bar
So he turned round and I ran out shouting "BAMBI RUN NOW!"
And we pegged it! hahahaha
It was a good night
We peed in exciting places!
Today I'm stressed : ]
Oh well 07 might be good : ]
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