Yesterday was a fun day; Elisa and I took a long walk along a jetty here. It was somewhat stormy and overcast and the waves were breaking against the rocks. It reminded me just a little of the waves along the Oregon Coast. But only a little. She thought I was crazy, hopping from rock to rock. I was always quick though to return to her when she needed a hand. I got some good pictures including this one of Elba in the distance.
After the walk, needed to work off a crazily-rich lunch, we came back to the hotel room to watch videos. We watched the end of the docudrama about Einstein and Eddington and then watched the first episode of "Sherlock." a BBC show bringing the detective into the modern era. I found it very enjoyable and now want to watch the other episodes.
Today we'll meet for lunch and perhaps watch more videos. Around 4 we will join a tour to Etruscan ruins in the area. After that we'll try for Elba and some of the outlying Islands the first part of next week. I am still uncertain about Rome.
As the trip home is only 6 days away now, I've started to make sure things are in order for that. I discovered my error in that I have to overnight in Los Angeles. A quick check on Expedia shows that to be the only option as well, so oh well. I expect a $70 hotel airport or somesuch, hopefully with a airport shuttle.
British Air wants me to call to reconfirm my international trip and I am really missing my Skype phone. I will try to call BA this evening, when their office in the US is open.
I am getting a little homesick, missing dad, the cat and familiar surroundings and friends. Italy has been beautiful, and I know I have a life-long friend in Elisa. Italy has also been a little depressing in that the place seems to have underpinnings in rust, dust and decay. Elisa's commented on this as well, and has stated that she hopes to find her way out of this country.
I hope she makes it. She works so hard. I have 6 days. How long for her?