Internet Drama!

May 14, 2006 17:15

At home I was online on thursday night. But, when I tried to get online after work on thursday, I could not pick up the wireless signal that has become part of my life!

Where had it gone?
Why had it left me? I never treated it badly. OK, I never saw it everyday, but then it lived in someone else's room, I didn't want to interfere!

After much soul-searching (and gaining access to my housemate's room), I found out that it wasn't the router itself that had forsaken me, but it's friend - the powerpack, which had decided that it was good time to die.

Twas a bit of a mystery why it died, there was no obviously no power surge as the other items on the socket were completely fine. But, I'm gald it was the power supply, not the router itself. We're currently using the powerpack from the cd-burner of another housemate and it's all hunky-dory until he wants to burn something. Unfortunately it's sunday today, so a replacement will have to wait until tomorrow.

So I've had a weekend without the net, doom! I have been mostly relying on my playstation for games and DVDs and I've also been... dun dun DUNNNN!... reading. Tom Holt's "You don't have to be evil to work here but it helps" (thanks Avgi!) has so far proved to be very entertaining and I've barely got through a third of it yet.

The football extravaganza that was yesterday also helped. The FA Cup final followed by the first leg of Wycombe's play-off semi-final managed to take up seven hours of the day that I might overwise have spent rueing not having the net. I'm glad I watched them both.

The FA Cup Final (which I watched in a bar) was one of those superly exciting games with 6 goals in normal play, including an absolute stunner by Gerrard and eventually ended in penalties, which Liverpool won despite a third of their players barely being able to walk at the final whistle.

The Wycombe game was probably less exciting to the neutral, but I also enjoyed it due to the electric (no pun intended) atmosphere that we created. And yes, I was part of the singing/shouting crowd creating that atmosphere. I thought we deserved to have won the game, but in the end we carry a 2-1 deficit to Cheltenham in the second leg. I've already booked my ticket and the afternoon off work for thursday. We have the ability to win through to the final, it's just a matter of taking our chances. Either way, it's a game I wouldn't miss for all the tea in China (I'd probably get bloated anyway). Come on Wycombe!
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