Canadians and Sale Links

Apr 27, 2006 13:37

We did some more work on Skiffit, and we have some new features:

1) We can now fully support Canadian buyers and sellers. Yeah, we couldn't do that before, but now we can. So, if you're from Canada, feel free to get in on the Skiffity goodness.

2) You can now provide a link which will show all the items that you're currently selling. As an example, click here to see all the stuff I'm selling!!! As another example, click here to see all the stuff that Ken is selling! (He's got some good video games up for sale for cheap!)

We're excited about these improvements since they broaden our market and make it vastly easier to spread the word of your sales to your buddies via email, message boards, blog, or whatever.

Also, if everyone who reads this could like tell two friends about the site, and make them tell two friends, who will then tell two friends, and so on, and so on... That'd be like... really sweet. :D

sale, link, update, canada, skiffit

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