Calling all ICSF members!
As many of you might know, Christies in New York are auctioning a host of Star Trek props, costumes etc. in October for the 40th Anniversary. I suggest that we step up plans for the ICSF-mobile (currently planned to be a hybrid between the A-Team Van and the car from Ghostbusters), so that it is ready in time for a trip to New York in October. When we arrive, we split into two teams - Imperial College Science Fiction and Invisible College Special Forces. The first group mingle with the crowd, creating the illusion of our presence while the second team STEAL THE ENTERPRISE.
We proceed to escape into the street, amid tannoy announcements of "Someone is stealing the Enterprise!", waving our ill-gotten gains above our heads and whooping like Dr. Zoidberg. After a 10 mile car chase, we become world famous as the only Student Sci-Fi society ever to successfully commandeer a federation starship.
There...our advertising for PicoCon 24 is sorted.