Feb 12, 2005 16:40
Incase you didn't know I am apparently armed and dangerous. The other day at the mall me and my friend decided to go into Hot Topic. Now I fuckin' hate Hot Topic, if I had my way I would just throw a molotov cocktail right in there and watch the place crumble, but that is if I had my way. I don't really see a point for there to be a store that specializes in selling merchandise soley from Family Guy, a show that has suddenly gotten popular years after it first aired (yeah, I get it, it's funny, welcome to the year 1999 when I thought the same way). But anyways, I go in and I am instantly greeted by the doorgirl, greeter, or whatever you call her. Now I have always had my theory that this girl liked me, it just seemed that she gave me an extra sweet hello everytime I came to her store, this would soon change. The fire alarm began going off as people looked around in panic, jokely me and my friend pretended to grab a bunch of pants and run off with them, the girl laughed and it looked like things were looking up until she suddenly began bitching at me. I honestly thought she was flirting so I began to laugh at her as I turned away from her. When I looked back she said "I didn't say you could look at me". Now I don't know, but I think that is crossing the line of customer and employee. I began mouthing off back at her as she got the manager. The manager, the fat mess that she is became the perfect barricade to the exit. She told me some shit and I said something along the lines of "like I really want to steal one of your precious Nightmare Before Christmas pins". You see, I have no interest in any of the items at Hot Topic, I was only there because my friend was browsing, my friend who decided to take his sweet-ass time might I add. Three kids left while these two bitches were distracted by me, three kids who could have easily looted the place but for some reason they were much more occupied with me. The fire alarm stopped and I was able to prove myself innocent as I left the store with my middle fingers in the air yelling "bitches". I still think she digs me.