
Jan 10, 2010 12:41

...for now.

My mom totes lol'd at MoA's Trek allusion with this one.
Con of Wrath win.
I think Ben 10 is winning some points with her; it'll move off the "gross kids' show my 17-year-old makes me TiVo" shelf soon, perhaps.
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

I lol'd so hard.
At first, I was a little squicked at Rath's weirdosity, and suddenly struck with an extreme desire to gorge on Frosted Flakes (for the rest of the day, I might add), but he really grew on me.
Finally, someone more stupid than Kevin. (Well, that was until Argit came on the scene, but that's for later.)
With a catch phrase that gets me every time, srs.

Lame villian lineup is lame, though. I knew it was going to be some Tardis-stealing lovefest (cute marshmallowy-poo that he was, I don't care what his name really happened to be, to me, it will always be Tardis), but really? A revisiting of all the most recent villians+? REALLY?
That's desperation.
Also, Kevin is a show-offy bastard and needs to stop being able to perceive Argit's existence.

Rath, I agree with you about foodcastles. They are sacred.

Overall, fun, if a bit dodgy.
Although, I must say...
Apoplexians? What the hell, MoA?
I realized that, upon seeing several used together in this episode, they're really scraping bottom for species names. 
I am disappoint.

Tl;dr: Bacon wants to see more tooth-punching action.

If I'm wrong about anything, feel free to correct me, but don't jump down my throat about it; it's not the freshest in my mind.

new episode flurry, kinda sorta off topic, poster: baconshinobi, screen caps

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