"In Charm's Way" Reactions & Commentary

Nov 14, 2009 17:46

Crappy television is crappy. I finally got the episode, I finally watched it, and I finally put down my commentary. Or rather, my constant need to lollerskate. BECAUSE HOLY CRAP GUYS I LAUGHED LIKE A HYENA.

11.13/14.2009 - “In Charm’s Way”

Episode title is making me think “Charmcaster fuck yeah.”

Beach buddy times?
Kevin’s feeling grumpy today, methinks.
Yes. Kevin’s gonna kick puppies.
Oh hey. Giant rock monster with purple… thingies. Gwen still has stupid lines. "Rock." Seriously Gwen? SERIOUSLY? I know Ben & Kevin were just playing Rock, Paper, Scissors, but truth is... dynamite always wins. **sticks thumb up to show you how it's done**

Theme song sequence SERIOUSLY needs to get rid of Chromastone.

Noooo, the sand castle!! D:
Ahahaha, Gwen’s powers fail. ID mask failed too. Awww, is Ben the only one whose powers are gonna work… nevermind.
Goop’s got sand grains in him now. Itchy.
Kevin went smoosh. Mmmm, sand sandwiches.
Written by Peter David. Who are you dude? I don't think he's written an episode for AF before. I don't think I can take any of his episodes seriously if he continues though.
I see what you’re doing here… kids finding out about superheroes.
Kid sounded like Greg Cipes. Kevin keeps moonlighting as munchkins, gosh.
Ahahaha, I dunno who to feel more sorry for. Gwen for being told by Kevin she can’t do much of anything, or Kevin for the ass-whooping he’s gonna get for it.
Hey. Hey guys. I’M ON LOLLERSKATES OVER HERE. New Charmcaster’s design makes me laugh. SO. HARD. (It also doesn’t help that she’s planning to steal Gwen’s boyfriend. Wrong Tennyson, lady.)
Also: This is me when Charmcaster showed up again:

“Caroline?” AHAHA, Charmy’s got issues picking normalverse names, doesn’t she? (No offense if any of you are named Caroline.) I also tried really hard not to make any jokes about Charm looking like Ben's mom. I'll leave that to you guys.
LS:KDja;kjfdgklshfgjkaskjgajkldfhjkls heeheeheeheeheee. Pulling the car trick. It’s like… the Transformers movie in reverse or something. XD
OH SHIT! Or she can save the kid.
Moonlit walks on the beach. Oh man. She’s laying it on THICK.
Aksdfjaksdfjsaldkfj I’m fucking lollerskating so fast.
And yes. If Gwen really was that powerful she really would have figured out a way to turn Kevin back. Charm’s still got some kind of brains under that “I could ride in yours” mentality. XD
Hey, I think I called it way back when I hypothesized Charmcaster was gonna do this. Way to go show, for being so predictable.
Aaaaaand now we have guilty “shoulda coulda woulda” Gwen. Shut up and just do something, please?
Ben thinks things through. In his own way.
Planetarium at midnight? "moonlight siphoned through a mystical field?" Um... XD
I love blank!Kevin. He’s a crack up.
I should probably be worried, but Kevin could potentially lose if Gwen & Ben team up against him. Problem is, Ben & Gwen never would team up against Kevin. Not anymore, anyway.
I think these two’s green eyes are obscuring the fact that OH HEY LOOK KEV’S SPEAKING IN MONOTONE AND THERE’S A FUCKING PINK NECKLACE ON HIM.
Ben wants to come instead of Gwen. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Ben is amazingly doofy and I love him.
Awww. Pity blank!Kevin doesn’t get it.
Humoungusaur’s not showing up.
Aww man, Kevin’s breaking out the swordarms. That’s a little more dangerous than the hammerhand.
Methinks it’s a good thing Ben’s got Diamondhead.
Useless Gwen powers are useless. Honey, Charm’s gonna whoop your ass when you guys meet.
And now Gwen’s all “she wants revenge” and the boys are all “she’s hot.” I’m on more than lollerskates now guys. I’m on a lmaollama.
Ben’s face when Kevin says “she kissed me” is very >:[
You know, most planetariums are on hills or mountains. You know… HIGH GROUND. Oh wait. Those are observatories. NEVERMIND, ignore me. Way to fail self. Planetariums = shows. Observatories = telescopes... wait. Why did the roof open up like an observatory... stupid show writer is stupid.
AHAHAHA. Timed out, Ben? When was the last time the Omnitrix timed out and went red in AF? Never?
Ahh… so Charmy’s been stalking Gwen for 5 years?
I shouldn’t be laughing. BUT I AM.

Awww, Ben wants Kevin to save him. Now if only Kevin could save himself.
Knock the head off with a fire hydrant? Okaaay. Whatever works.
I seriously shouldn’t be laughing. But Gwen-puppet would be awesome. She'd blow shit up like WHOA.
Charm’s VA has a good evil laugh.
“She stole all my power. How do you think I am?!” I’m gonna say… Normal?
And yeah, you do deserve this. You stole her book to begin with. Finders keepers ain’t the lay of the land when it comes to magicks.
Oh. What. You deserve to lose your powers because of Kevin. Riiiight.
Rooftop moonlighting. Oh hey, didn’t I say there was moonlighting earlier? Yes. Yes I did, and now I'm suddenly reminded of the CGI Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. Kevin = Raphael?
Ok. SERIOUSLY. I really should not. Be. Laughing. Kevin just went evil.
KEVIN JUST JOINED UP WITH THE VILLAIN. WHY AM I LAUGHING?!? Cuz idiot!Ben’s back and Gwen being provoked is funny. Duh.
Monster van!!
OH. MY. GOD. MR. SMOOTHY. HOLY FUCK THIS IS THE GREATEST THING EVER. My face. It was like 8D times a bajillion.
Drinking him dry, Upchuck? Sweet. That pun was completely unintended when I was watching.
Mr. Smoothy looks so sad. Well he IS half-empty and has a poor attitude. XD
At least Gwen still has some kind of martial arts skill.
Charmcaster had the right idea not going hand to hand. Until Gwen remembered old spell book spells.
Let me guess, Gwen’s a good girl, so she won’t take all of Charmy’s powers. She'll be back. **Schwarzenegger accent**
And the rock dudes are funny.
Ben is delightfully hilarious in this episode.
Gwen left them alone at the beach. ~IN THE MOONLIGHT~ (I should be sad. Canonically, I should be happy for the Gwevins. But really, I just want to smack Gwen and Ben and Kevin all at once. Cuz the whole time they were all idiots. Ben was an idiot in a funny way though.)

Moral of this story is: Girls are confusing. Ben’s not. :D

So. Who else wants to join me on the ROFLCOPTER?

new episode flurry, poster: tonks17

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