Title: What You Don’t Know
chemm80Genre: Top Gun, Iceman/Maverick, NC-17
Word Count: 7670
Author's Notes: This was inspired by
this prompt at
top_gun_kink, but I'm not sure it's properly a fill, since it diverges quite a bit from the apparent intention of the OP. And there's possibly more angst and straight-up porn than kink. Thanks are due to
derangedfangirl for story idea help, and to the lovely
oschun for the insightful beta.
This story also owes a debt to Fabularasa's
Kings of the Air, (audiofic coming soon to a challenge near you) which has become my head-canon for what happened to Mav and Ice after the movie: They both wind up instructors at TOPGUN, and friends-who-might-be-something-more, post-Charlie, which is where this story finds them.
Summary: Maverick finds Iceman handcuffed to his bed. He has a hard time getting over it.