Oct 28, 2005 17:47
3 months later...
alright well its been quite interesting since i last updated.
alot has happened.
well field hockey is almost over. we have one more game on tuesday. & well to be honest, this year has been really bad. it was so bad that i almost did quit!! the girls just were fighting too much and crapp. but towards the end it just all stopped & people didn't care. gosh im gonna miss all the seniors!! mann this sucks.. but uhh i just can't wait until next season..gonna be awessssomeee!
yesssssssss me & brian are going strong together. gonna be 7 months nov.4! wow who'd ever think that would happen. yeahh well alot has happened to us. we got into major arguements before but now everything couldn't get any better. we made our mistakes but their all in the past & are happy together. uhhh we even broke upp for maybe 5 hours? yeah it was all shitt i was miserable that whole day & even @ my game. i wanted to die but i had ang there & everyone else to support me. but now thats longgggg gone & will hopefully never happen anytime soon im done w/ that. shit has happened this past weeeeek, good & bad. well it was my birthday & i wanted somethnig ffrom brian.. & well he gave it to me. & got caught. & now shit is being said. & i hate it. so yeah. but WE ABSOLUTLEY LOVEE SEAN & ANG!! <33 i loveee brian so much & i can't see myself w/. anyone else. i mean okay lemme be honest i still love stan. but hey i will always love stan. my first love, yeah of course, because i know ill never love anyone else like i loved him, trust me i know cause i don't feel the same way w/ brian. but things are good. i know stan loves me & other stuff but its just all good. I LOVEEEEEEEE BRIAN FOREVERRRRR x0ox! (4.4.05)
so high school is good. i enjoy it. i mean the drama is more but now i usually don't know about it. which is great. classes are good. & friends are good. but im learning on not being able to trust certain people. thats bad. all i need are my friends that i have been friends w/ for a while. KATIEEEEE LYNDSSSSS ANGG NORAAA KRISTEEEN .C ANTHONYYY CHRISSS!! I LOVE YOUSS!
oh i went to saves the day, the early novemeber, & senses fail concert! yesss it was amazing. that was a great birthday present. especially spending it w/ the 3 people i adoree! saves the day was amazing. i wanna see them again! a night to remember!
x0ox keLLy maRie
i l0ve briAnn <33