Jun 05, 2008 18:54
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (5:33:58 PM): joseph
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (5:34:01 PM): the talk session
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (5:34:05 PM): end it
mumbleman1997 (5:34:05 PM): Hannah
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (5:34:19 PM): jooosseeeppppphhhh
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (5:34:25 PM):
mumbleman1997 (5:34:27 PM): hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (5:35:00 PM): im this: pandabears1127
mumbleman1997 (5:35:22 PM): pandabears1127
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (5:35:33 PM): yes. talk to her.
mumbleman1997 (5:35:49 PM): who
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (5:36:27 PM): my friend
mumbleman1997 (5:40:25 PM): which one'
mumbleman1997 (5:40:36 PM): ugly
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (5:40:43 PM): janelle
mumbleman1997 (5:40:44 PM): duck
mumbleman1997 (5:40:54 PM): duck
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (5:41:01 PM): DUCK
mumbleman1997 (5:41:09 PM): smile ducky
mumbleman1997 (5:41:24 PM): cool ducky
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (5:41:33 PM): joe. talk to her.
mumbleman1997 (5:41:37 PM): love ducky
mumbleman1997 (5:41:48 PM): who
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (5:41:50 PM): janelle
mumbleman1997 (5:42:12 PM): she is not on here
mumbleman1997 (5:42:30 PM): sad
mumbleman1997 (5:42:40 PM): mad
mumbleman1997 (5:43:01 PM): duck
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:26:03 PM): pssst joe
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:26:17 PM): joe i have a secret
mumbleman1997 (6:26:28 PM): pssssssssssssssstttttttt what!
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:26:38 PM): eileen loves sebastien
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:26:49 PM): -gasp-
mumbleman1997 (6:26:58 PM): bye
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:27:01 PM): JOE!
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:27:07 PM): i have another secret
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:27:16 PM): wanna know it?
mumbleman1997 (6:27:20 PM): WHAT???????????????????
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:27:29 PM): angelique thinks that alex is H-O-T
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:27:31 PM): eewww
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:27:40 PM): :[ yucky
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:27:47 PM): I KNOOOOW
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:28:06 PM): she goes: doesnt his hair look especially soft tonight?
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:28:09 PM): she said that last night
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:28:15 PM): me: EEW HAHAHA! EW!
mumbleman1997 (6:28:26 PM): shut up
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:28:30 PM): no listen to me
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:28:33 PM): i am talking
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:28:48 PM): joseph guess what
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:29:06 PM): joseph guess what
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:29:12 PM): joe guess what
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:29:22 PM): joe joe guess what
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:29:24 PM): JOE
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:29:28 PM): r u listening
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:29:31 PM): ARE YOU?
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:29:36 PM): i know u r
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:29:42 PM): hi mama.
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:29:52 PM): hello mama!
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:30:00 PM): i know u r reading :]
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:30:05 PM): i am not a stupid
mumbleman1997 (6:30:17 PM): smile
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:30:20 PM):
mumbleman1997 (6:30:26 PM): shut up!
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:30:33 PM): bugs taste yummy
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:30:47 PM): :P
mumbleman1997 (6:30:48 PM): SHUT UP!
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:30:53 PM): :] yum yum yummers
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:31:17 PM): joseph i want to eat your duck
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:31:26 PM): see that duck of yours? he is green.
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:31:29 PM): i bet he is yummy
mumbleman1997 (6:31:29 PM): quack?
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:31:39 PM): is he yummy
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:31:40 PM): ?
mumbleman1997 (6:31:47 PM): QUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:31:53 PM): :[
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:32:05 PM): tiny text can u read it? no.
mumbleman1997 (6:32:13 PM): yes
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:32:17 PM): no!
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:32:19 PM): NO U CANT
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:32:21 PM): !!!!!!!
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:32:50 PM): SUPERMAN!!!
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:32:55 PM): DUN DA NAAA
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:32:59 PM): SUPERMAN!!
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:34:10 PM): joe
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:34:13 PM): hey joe
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:34:19 PM): i will keep talking, joe
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:34:32 PM): i will talk forever
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:34:46 PM): u better talk back because i am never leaving
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:35:04 PM): guess what mama
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:35:11 PM): there is crack under my bed
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:35:24 PM): o.0 what now!
mumbleman1997 (6:35:42 PM): holy crap I am calling the police
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:35:56 PM): thats why i am always in my room. i am smoking crack
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:36:09 PM): lots and lots!
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:36:14 PM): :]
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:36:26 PM): mmmm yum
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:36:38 PM): me and my druggy buddies, they sneak in through my window
mumbleman1997 (6:36:38 PM): is your head feeling heavy
mumbleman1997 (6:36:49 PM): are your eyes brown yet
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:36:53 PM): not yet
mumbleman1997 (6:37:02 PM): do you have bags and black circles
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:37:03 PM): but i think they might be any minute
mumbleman1997 (6:37:10 PM): you could use a pick me up
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:37:22 PM): naw no thanks
mumbleman1997 (6:37:23 PM): dr. feelgoods remedy is just 9.99 a bottle
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:37:27 PM): i'm okay, cracker
mumbleman1997 (6:37:34 PM): listen honkie
mumbleman1997 (6:37:42 PM): i know your type
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:37:43 PM): oh yeah u want some of this?!
mumbleman1997 (6:37:53 PM): your mama tells you you are smart
mumbleman1997 (6:38:00 PM): but really you are so dumb that
mumbleman1997 (6:38:20 PM): you ate my old sandwich yesterday that I charged you two dolla for
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:38:22 PM): BRING IT MUTHAF****R!!! ooooh its oonnnn
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:38:47 PM): two dolla? i slipped u 3 pesos chicoooo
mumbleman1997 (6:39:25 PM): those were the ones you gave me the otha day for walking around with you in public
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:39:52 PM): i know but rele every1 was laughing at u, homey skillet biscuit
mumbleman1997 (6:40:09 PM): bitch you are so dumb that your husband said you hit into the wall every nmorning when you fry the eggs
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:40:11 PM): because u was getting punked up in my cribbb
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:40:37 PM): ur so stupid u sit on the TV and watch the COUCH dipshit!
mumbleman1997 (6:40:42 PM): i dont know what punk is but you a hon-kie
mumbleman1997 (6:41:02 PM): your mother is so fat she sits around the house...and I mean around the house
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:41:03 PM): wtf a honkie u be bringing that southern heat up in here, boi
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:41:30 PM): ur mama so old she's next to jesus in the yearbook
mumbleman1997 (6:41:39 PM): havent you noticed the building is full of us and then there is you?
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:41:58 PM): . . . . . . . . . . .
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:42:07 PM): or so u think. rele they r all on my side.
mumbleman1997 (6:42:10 PM): they are waiting for you with bats downstairs you betta not walk your dog today
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:42:34 PM): i stole ur dog and sold him into mexican prostitution
mumbleman1997 (6:42:35 PM): what ?
mumbleman1997 (6:42:47 PM): not before he ate your mama
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:42:49 PM): yeah u heard me bitch
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:43:11 PM): no ur mama workin in the chinese sweat shops goin: WEN DAI MAO!
mumbleman1997 (6:43:37 PM): your mama called she said you betta neva come back
mumbleman1997 (6:43:50 PM): or she has a special frying pan for you dumbass head
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:44:05 PM): ur mama said: WEN DAI MAO GUNG HAI FA CHOI BITCHES!
mumbleman1997 (6:44:41 PM): didnt they teach you any english is that dumbass school where they use those stupid brown things for blankets
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:44:46 PM): that special frying pan was my cradle as a small child.
mumbleman1997 (6:44:53 PM): HUH?
mumbleman1997 (6:44:58 PM): uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
mumbleman1997 (6:45:01 PM): ok
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:45:10 PM): yes. and the stupid brown things were our pets.
mumbleman1997 (6:45:17 PM): kiss my grits
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:45:26 PM): check out my grrriiiilllllzzz
mumbleman1997 (6:45:30 PM): i have all kinds you can pick which ones
mumbleman1997 (6:45:39 PM): i have cheezy grits
mumbleman1997 (6:45:45 PM): and garlic grits
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:45:52 PM): yo bitch you better check yo'self before u fall so hard that rabbit back in his hole
mumbleman1997 (6:46:03 PM): and for tuesday night special I have those fancy tuscan grits
mumbleman1997 (6:46:31 PM): your girlfriend said
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:46:31 PM): respect!
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:46:43 PM): i dont have no gf thats friggin homos like YOU.
mumbleman1997 (6:46:44 PM): she stole ol yo money
mumbleman1997 (6:46:54 PM): and then
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:47:01 PM): yeah yeah u got butt buddies!
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:47:04 PM): : D
mumbleman1997 (6:47:09 PM): she went and stole your brotha and yo sistas money
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:47:25 PM): my brotha and sista es butt buddies, too
mumbleman1997 (6:47:31 PM): and yo family is so stupid you think the guy down at the church is the pope
mumbleman1997 (6:47:54 PM): they give all the money to the poor while they eats the grits
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:47:56 PM): yo bitch that pope cookin somethin up in yo mama's kitchen toNIGHT!
mumbleman1997 (6:48:02 PM): for breakfast and suppa
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:48:24 PM): that pope he am a miracle man, bitch.
mumbleman1997 (6:48:52 PM): and those collard greens are screwing up your brain instead of just making yo ass bigga than my apartment building I be livin in.
mumbleman1997 (6:49:19 PM): hey did you know I be living uptown now?
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:49:31 PM): yo bitch u be up w/ the gay folk?
mumbleman1997 (6:49:37 PM): aint no one home you stupid duck
mumbleman1997 (6:49:44 PM): no I on 9th street
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:49:57 PM): ah the gay folk be on 11th street
mumbleman1997 (6:50:23 PM): well i owns the whole block on 10
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:50:49 PM): yo check it out N****R this one hawt shawty i be holla'in at bringing the goods to my neighborhood
mumbleman1997 (6:50:52 PM): dont you shake yo finga at me and think you be walking up MY street after dark
mumbleman1997 (6:51:05 PM): I got peeps that will take care of U!
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:51:48 PM): i got peeps to take care of ur peeps yo
mumbleman1997 (6:52:02 PM): evebody know you aint got no goods
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:52:09 PM): no but my bitch do
mumbleman1997 (6:52:15 PM): you got that 10 cent watch at the walmart
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:52:31 PM): super walmart, get it right before u start spewin' shit out yo ass
mumbleman1997 (6:52:51 PM): ooh ooh super walmart well EXCUSE me ladi dadi
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:53:03 PM): my watch be worth more than yo whooole family!
mumbleman1997 (6:53:20 PM): ok I have to do dishes its been real keep it real sista
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:53:25 PM): i should know i got yo sista the other day- OHHH SHIT
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:53:40 PM): bye mama. dont yell at me.
faiNtiNg fRoGgY (6:53:50 PM): :[
where'd she learn that foul mouth shit?!