Life in the Fast Lane 2/6

Feb 03, 2013 22:45

Blaine’s new school was fantastic, very much the opposite of what he had expected. Granted those expectations were based on experience - Blaine had never been to a school where he hadn’t been vilified up until now. Dalton Academy was accepting, open and most of all, people actually liked Blaine. Blaine expected that maybe he’d meet someone named Kurt Hummel upon his transfer but apparently nobody of that name was enrolled at Dalton; but Blaine is, if anything, a patient person and he knows better than anyone that sometimes you just have to wait for things to happen to just as much as you should be proactive and make them happen. Blaine was willing to wait for The Doctor’s spoiler to come true - after all he had a fantastic distraction in his new friends, and the Warblers (the Glee club he’d just joined).

He still hadn’t met anyone with a name even so much as resembling Kurt Hummel by the time his fifteenth birthday rolled around but once again Blaine figured patience is key. It was a weird feeling, knowing that somebody had access to the blueprints of his life - but comforting also because at least that way he knew his life was going somewhere.

When you are looking for something it never turns up where, or when you expect to find it.

If Blaine had to have picked a day most unlikely the day he actually met Kurt Hummel would have to be it. Blaine had stopped looking for Kurt, to be honest, in that moment he had completely forgotten that a boy (well, Blaine had presumed a boy - he didn’t know any girls named Kurt) named Kurt Hummel was going to come into his life and that it was going to be a very important even in his timeline that had to happen. Blaine was just trying to get to the Senior Commons where he was due to perform with the Warblers when he was tapped on the shoulder by the very person he’d been waiting for this whole time. And Blaine got it. That’s how he knew Kurt was somebody who deserved to see the universe. Even though the stars aligned for Blaine then and there on that staircase Blaine was more than happy to wait and see how time would play this one out.

At Dalton Blaine was less aware of time passing, it felt less like dragging his feet and more like gliding along and Kurt was definitely a brilliant distraction between visits from The Doctor. Kurt was definitely everything The Doctor had described, he was fantastic, wonderful, beautiful - worth holding onto. Blaine began to rely on The Doctor less, and on people on Earth more.

Blaine saw a lot of himself in Kurt - bruises and cuts from nasty knocks with the world that Blaine wished he could heal, Kurt didn’t have a Doctor, after all. But for all the hurt they had in common there were so many wonderful things they shared too - and Blaine wanted to work through all of it, good, bad, ugly. For better or worse.

Blaine and Kurt hadn’t been dating very long at all when the thought first crossed his mind.

His birthday was coming up.

Blaine thought long and hard attempting to come up with an excuse as to why he couldn’t spend his birthday with Kurt (because what if The Doctor got the dates mixed up again and he accidently stood Kurt up? He wasn’t going to take that chance). The whole ‘family only’ excuse was so loaded in Blaine’s case that Kurt certainly wouldn’t believe it.

He considered telling him.

For about five seconds maybe, but you don’t just tell someone about The Doctor and his TARDIS.

It was almost beginning to feel like a marriage proposal, and in a way, Blaine guessed that it is.

Knowing The Doctor, it’s a bit like a lifetime commitment really - you can’t just go telling everyone and anyone you’ve travelled through time and space. That yes, you can confirm that aliens DID build the Pyramids of Giza, well, they helped anyway...regardless, that isn’t information you can just drop on whoever you meet. And Blaine hasn’t even told anybody yet, not any of his friends in the Warblers and certainly not his family, hell no, definitely not.

But Kurt... Kurt is different, special somehow? Ever since they met on that staircase at Dalton Academy Blaine’s wanted to take his hand and show him the universe - take him away from all the things that trouble him on Earth. Dear god The Doctor is really starting to rub off on him, he’s such a hopeless romantic. Blaine’s sort of always wanted to tell Kurt, whereas before he kind of really liked having a secret - having something all to himself. And it was the romantic in him that made him want to share it with Kurt but there isn’t a manual for this kind of thing, no guide on how to tell your boyfriend that you’re best friends with an eccentric, slightly manic time-travelling alien and hey, do you wanna come along? What stage in the relationship should this be revealed? After your first kiss? On your wedding night? It’s not like this is a conventional “big step” like having sex for the first time or moving in together... Blaine figured there is only one person in the whole of existence who’d possibly know the answer, and luckily, he has his number programmed into his mobile.

“Have you ever thought about, maybe meeting my boyfriend? Like would you like to that is?”

“I have met him”

“You’ve WHAT?!”

“Ah... I shouldn’t have told you that...”

“What? Were you, like... spying on me or something?!”

“Not spying, researching.”


“I told him I was Cooper’s friend. I ran into him at the singing thing...”

“Wait? You came to Regionals and you didn’t even say hello?”

“ I just popped in for five minutes to hear you sing and then get straight back to business, then I saw him and well, curiosity killed the cat”

“Oh my god, now I’m going to have to explain to him that Cooper’s friend isn’t really Cooper’s friend but actually my time-travelling alien friend who was checking up on my boyfriend”

“Blaine, you are such a teenager honestly. If you want to tell him just do it, if you broke up nobody’d believe him anyway”

“That’s encouraging. I’m never asking your advice again...”

If there’s one thing The Doctor doesn’t understand Blaine supposes it would be the consequences of telling boyfriends. Should’ve seen that one coming.

The decision gets made for him anyway when, like Blaine so predicted, thank you very much, The Doctor doesn’t so much as muck up the dates - but the times.

All of Blaine’s extra careful scheduling and planning completely ruined - he’d had it planned out so that nobody got stood up and that Blaine still got his annual time travel rendezvous in the TARDIS but all that planning was shot to hell when the TARDIS materialised in Blaine’s back garden two hours too early right in front of Kurt’s face - well done Doctor.

Kurt had promptly dropped the fruit platter he’d been carringying and screamed to the opened back door “BLAINE, WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!”

Before Blaine could do damage control The Doctor had already poked his head out “Hello Blaine! Ready to go?!” he called out “Oh... you’re not Blaine.”

Kurt shook his head in stunned silence “Not Blaine, Kurt” he finally managed “BLAINE?!”

“Oh yes, Kurt. I remember you” at this Kurt’s eyed bugged out of his head “W-who are you?” he asked cautiously, not sure whether he wanted to know the answer.

“I’m The Doctor” he said matter of factly “I take it you don’t remember me. I suppose Blaine finally decided and picked today, although a bit of warning would’ve been nice”

“A Doctor What? Are you a relative of Blaine’s or something? His family has always been a bit strange I guess...” Kurt trailed off as The Doctor stepped out and headed towards the house “No wait!” Kurt called after him “What did Blaine pick today? How do you know Blaine? Come back?!”

Blaine had just made his way downstairs, carrying two cups of coffee for himself and Kurt when he noticed The Doctor was standing in his doorway. “Shit”

“Nice to see you too” The Doctor countered, Kurt still behind him his blue orbs as wide as saucers.

“What are you doing here?!” Blaine said, exasperated.

“What do you mean?” The Doctor replied, confused “it’s your birthday? Wasn’t I supposed to be here?”

“You are early” Blaine managed through gritted teeth “two hours too early”

“Oh... so?” The Doctor says, pointing back at Kurt.

“Blaine... what is going on?” Kurt asked again, albeit quieter this time.

“Yep” Blaine snapped, looking directly at The Doctor.

“You didn’t..?”

“I wasn’t. Until now.”

“Ah... sorry, I suppose this is my fault.”

“Completely” Blaine said, rolling his eyes.

“I’m still here, and still incredibly confused” Kurt added.

“Oh gosh Kurt I’m so sorry” Blaine says “Come inside and I’ll explain everything - I’m so sorry you had to find out this way”


“I-it’s bigger on the inside?” Kurt stammered as The Doctor lead him inside the TARDIS.

“Can you humans think of nothing else? You’re in a time machine for gods sake!” The Doctor exclaimed, but not at all rudely, he sounded more intrigued if anything.

“I never thought to ask that” Blaine remarks honestly, The Doctor had said magic when they’d first met so Blaine had assumed the TARDIS was magic too without question.

“That’s why you’re my favourite” The Doctor says with a wink.

“A time machine...” Kurt says “This is a time machine?”

“Well yes” The Doctor says “What’s wrong with it exactly?”

“The colour scheme is awful for a start... you’d think that if you have all the resources of time and space at your feet you’d come up with something a little more stylish?” Kurt attempts to lay on his trademark snark but Blaine can tell that his heart isn’t in it, still not over the shock of seeing a blue box materialise in Blaine’s back garden before his very eyes.

“You watch your mouth or I shall retract my previous offer, Kurt Hummel” The Doctor reprimands, but Kurt isn’t really listening. He runs his fingertips along the TARDIS’ wall in awe.

“I always thought a time machine would look a little more, I don’t know, fancy - are we absolutely sure this thing flies?”

“Positive” The Doctor says with a twinkle of mischief in his eyes “Shall I prove it to you then?”

“Go on” Kurt challenges and The Doctor fiddles with a few switches.

“Well then, where to Kurt Hummel, the sceptic?”

“What about Paris?” Kurt asks looking at Blaine “late 1800’s”

“Ah!” The Doctor exclaims as he pulls some levers and presses more buttons that Blaine has never learnt the meaning of “Moulin Rouge fan are we! Well am I going to impress you!”

“Bingo” Kurt replies.

“Here we go!” Blaine says, albeit a tad sarcastically. (Although he has no objections in visiting the Moulin Rouge, something he’s always wanted to get around to anyway.)

“Is it always this loud?” Kurt asks Blaine over the sound of the TARDIS whirring through space and time.

“To be honest you stop noticing” Blaine answers “We’re going to the Moulin Rouge for my birthday! What a sweet sixteenth!” and yeah, maybe Blaine is letting himself get excited.

“We’re going on a date to Paris for your birthday, how romantic” Kurt says, grinning as he takes Blaine’s hand.

“Well, you know me, ever the romantic” Blaine says as the whirring dies down, The Doctor standing by the console with a maniacal grin of anticipation across his features.

“Go on then!” he says “explore!”

Blaine and Kurt rush to the TARDIS door still hand in hand, excitement practically radiating off both of them, Blaine reaches for the door handle, opens the door and...

“This is hardly turn of the century Paris” Kurt remarks.

“Oh dear...” The Doctor says, wincing.

“Err, it might still be Paris?” Blaine offers, attempting to remain positive.

They appear to be inside somebody’s apartment, and judging appliances lying around the house - around present day too.

“Damn” Blaine sighs “what went wrong this time?”

“Better yet, where are we?” Kurt adds.

“Ah, I’m not sure sorry. The TARDIS appears to have a mind of her own today - I’m terribly sorry Kurt. It’s not normally like this”

“Two mistakes in one day?” Kurt counters “Uh-huh sure”

“No really” Blaine says, leaping to The Doctors defence “Normally he is brilliant, but occasionally the TARDIS seems to have her own agenda”

“Do we even know when we are?” Kurt asks.

“Well whoever lives here has an iPhone” The Doctor says “so it can’t be too far off your time”

“We’re not in Paris” Kurt says from the window.

“Where are we then?”

“London, still also romantic” Kurt says smiling at Blaine.

“Yay TARDIS” Blaine couldn’t help but mutter under his breath.

“Um, hello there?” says a very blond woman dressed in all black standing in the doorway “can I err, help you?”

Blaine’s thought is she’s beautiful and sure, maybe Blaine doesn’t swing that way but he can appreciate aesthetics, and this girl sure has some wonderful aesthetics. She’s pale skinned but in a way that almost makes her glow, it’s a tad ethereal and Blaine is sure he must be imagining it. Her hair is white blonde and cut just a few inches below her collarbone. The ends of her hair are dip-dyed bright red and match perfectly with her fire engine red lipstick and nail polish. And she has huge blue eyes flecked with gold, even Kurt leans in and whispers to Blaine “She’s gorgeous.”

“Ah yes! Hello!” The Doctor says as he all but leaps over to where the woman is standing and pulls out his wallet containing the psychic paper “we were sent by your landlord, just doing a routine surprise inspection, we won’t be too much trouble”

“Oh okay” the woman says “that’s perfectly fine, I’m Jedda”

“What’s that he flashed her?” Kurt whispers in Blaine’s ear.

“Psychic paper” Blaine answers.

“Psychic WHAT?!”

“Shhhh” Blaine says “just go with it I’ll explain everything later. Assuming she doesn’t notice the TARDIS that is...”

“Sorry Miss... err” The Doctor says.

“Yotha” the woman, Jedda, says “Jedda Yotha - I’ve rented here for a year now”

“Sorry Miss Yotha-“

“Just call me Jedda”

“Jedda, would you happen to know today’s date?”

“Of course” Jedda says, laughing “it’s March 23rd”

“And the year?”

“2013, I know some people have a hard time adjusting when the calendar rolls over but you’ve had nearly three months now” Jedda says “Do I get to learn your names or are you inspectors anonymous?”

“Oh of course” The Doctor says “how rude of us, he’s Blaine, he’s Kurt and I’m The Doctor”

“The Doctor huh? That’s an odd name”

“I figure you’d know all about it with a name like Jedda Yotha”

Blaine rolls his eyes “This is so pointless” he says to Kurt.

“Blaine” Kurt says quietly, gripping Blaine’s hand “we’re in the future Blaine. Like, actually in it. We’re standing on a carpet in an apartment on a day that hasn’t happened yet.”

“Yep” Blaine says, squeezing Kurt’s hand “life of a time traveller, get used to it baby”

“Wow, I mean, this is... You have literally swept me off my feet Blaine Anderson”

“Like I said, I’m a romantic” Blaine says and then turns to The Doctor “Shouldn’t we be off now Doctor? Other places to inspect?”

“Not yet Blaine, still lots to inspect here” The Doctor calls back “Now Miss Jedda, have you encountered any strange occurrences in your time as a tenant here? We’ve had some complaints you see”

“Oh lord” Blaine huffs.

“What is it?” Kurt asks.

“He’s gone into detective mode.”


Part 3:

crossover, life in the fast lane, fic, glee, doctor who

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