Oct 12, 2004 20:39
i dont understand ANYONE any fucking more. you like that dont you?
people seem to change alot faster than they used to, or maybe im just noticing more change than i used to. 3 people that i really really care about are basically ( BASICALLY) giving me the cold shoulder. Bro i dont really care if you dont like me or you dont want to talk to me anymore.. at least fucking tell my WHY! like amanda sed--> "i hate it when ppl are mad at you and they dont say SHIT about what you did and make you guess or ask them. if they have a problem they should straight up tell you." yes amanda. youre awesome. i honestly CANT stand it when people make me guess what i did wrong. HEY, if i dont know now, what makes u think that im gona know later? crazy shits.
ne who. homecoming is this week. woop-di-do! powder puff game friday. hot stuff. Juniors kick ass. (oh. and for all those people who didnt really participate in the cheering and stuff for the Junior class during the skit things.. fuck you. youre not "too cool" for that shit and i dont care if you think youre hot shit. its just about having fun with your class. dont be such party poopers) seniors are going down!! ;)
you stress me out like mad, and you dont care if i cry. you dont seem to notice when i smile either. youre rite. what we had was great but if you dont want to talk to me anymore then im not going to do the trying for the both of us. you fucked up. not me. i gave you another chance and you walked all over me. i dont think you understand that this is it..