
Mar 27, 2011 15:29

im fuckin awwake noww

!ic, !text, good morning landfuckers, eridan ampora

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Video; usedtherapy March 27 2011, 23:19:38 UTC
[[Have a snort, Eridan.]]

Perhaps we may be able to leave now.


text; bemykismesi March 27 2011, 23:28:45 UTC



youre the rose human

[Yeah, he never got to yell at you for blowing up his computer.]


Video; usedtherapy March 27 2011, 23:31:07 UTC

Now, I realize we certainly set off to the wrong foot, and while I'm quite flattered you remembered my name, I don't believe I've yet to do anything to warrant quite a reaction so soon.


text; bemykismesi March 27 2011, 23:34:18 UTC
you shut the fuck up


you stupid no good landwwellin WWITCH

i cant evven look at you wwithout gettin the urge to vvomit vviolently


Video; usedtherapy March 27 2011, 23:37:19 UTC
I apologize. I hadn't realized I was so revolting. It's a shame I'm far too lazy to turn off the video, isn't it?

Goodness, I hadn't realized hurting your feelings was such a terrible crime. I'll have to be wary of doing so again, lest you kill yourself next time.

Though then again, that might be doing everyone a service. I'm sure Soul would be upset, but if it's for the good of the group.


Text; bemykismesi March 27 2011, 23:54:11 UTC
it wwasnt just hurtin my feelins you bitch

youve done more than that

i cant evven type to you
youre so sickenin


Video; usedtherapy March 27 2011, 23:58:48 UTC
Oh? Did I wound your pride too? I don't recall bringing the size of your horns into conversation, but if you're that insecure about it I suppose I'll avoid pointing out the minuscule size of anything else.

Such as, for example, the size comparison of how much I care about offending you to begin with.


Text; bemykismesi March 28 2011, 00:01:32 UTC


my horns are not small at all

you dont evven knoww


Video; usedtherapy March 28 2011, 00:02:35 UTC
Really, then what else could I have hurt? Because honestly, you're already so pathetic as it is, there can't be much more for me to insult.


Text; bemykismesi March 28 2011, 00:03:48 UTC
you didnt hurt anything you douche

youre just fuckin annoyin

and FAKE


Video; usedtherapy March 28 2011, 00:06:06 UTC
Fake? Whatever do you mean by that?

And I did indeed cause some form of harm, you said so yourself. Would you like me to read that text back for you? Or would that be too much to comprehend for your brain?


Text; bemykismesi March 28 2011, 00:15:17 UTC

you wwouldnt get it anywway

fuckin wwitch


Video; usedtherapy March 28 2011, 00:20:19 UTC
Is it really that I wouldn't get it, or that you've nothing to prove against me? I'm sensing an empty argument, or one you've no confidence in being able to prove.

And are you going to hide behind your text forever? While that is such a pretty shade of purple, it really does nothing to put threat into your words. Simply shows a shade of cowardice I hadn't realized you had before.

Though I'm not surprised by it either.


Video; bemykismesi March 28 2011, 00:33:16 UTC
[nhldshgsfn Switching it to video]


Video; usedtherapy March 28 2011, 00:35:55 UTC
It's a pleasure to see your shining, happy face as well, Eridan. Bright eyed and bushy tailed, you're just set out to face the world today aren't you?

Though I must decline your offer. As much as I find you completely detestable and perfectly despicable, I don't feel I'm quite ready for such a commitment. My little black heart just isn't ready to be tied down, you see.


Video; bemykismesi March 28 2011, 00:39:52 UTC

Oh my GOD. Do you w-want to go? Huh? A duel, just you and me in the lobby.
Or perhaps outside.


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