Remember that thing where I don't have any money and have to move out because of it? In addition to my $735 rent that I cannot afford (which is the reason I am leaving), I have been told that I need to pay $1400 in order to get out of my lease. Because CLEARLY the smart thing to do when someone can't afford to live somewhere is charge them three times their rent to leave!
Because of this, I will be selling things on eBay. Things I don't really want to part with. The first of which being this fabulous poster that was autographed by 22 members of the GoF cast! If you or anyone you know is a big Harry Potter fan, please check out this eBay auction, or pimp it to the high heavens. I am hoping that I can bring in a considerable amount of money starting with this auction so I don't have to post other things that I really don't want to have to part with.
The auction