la tee tum...another poem i wrote

Jan 30, 2005 22:13

heres another poem i wrote...being posted by request from Kyle (don't u feel special, haha) ok, here goes nuttin....


this world keeps sinking
deeper into sin
no one is thinking
of what the aftermath will bring
everybody lives
just to please themselves
and nobody gives
any thought to heaven or hell
material possesions
and what we can gain
deep rooted agressions
and self-inflicted pain
accepby our peers
and a flase outward joy
hading all our fears
behind this big decoy-
that same sex marriage is right
and schools no place for prayer
opposing sides fight
but still we get no where
"under God" can't be heard
so our pledge is left unsaid
this is our world-
it's spiritually dead!
left is right
and up is down
wrong is right
it's turned around
our standards have fallen
and crumbled away
it's just a matter of time before we're all in
spiritual decay

so, there ya go kyle (and whoever else reads this) that is my view of this stupid messe dup world we live in. lol...comment away! o and be blessed! ~Alayna~
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