Feb 02, 2021 14:50
I got my results for the One Million Edit Scavenger Hunt on Fanlore and I did pretty well! Sadly, I missed two, so I didn't get the perfect score badge, but I did get the general Scavenger Hunt badge, and that feels pretty good. It is now on the "Badges" section of my page. The questions I missed were related to finding a meta page (I thought it was just a page with meta, but actually it was supposed to be a page about someone's meta) and then I forgot to identify the writer of a poem as well as stating what the poem was about. Alas!
In somewhat related news, I finally sat down and got some actual writing done on one of my many WIPs and that felt really good. Since I've been watching a lot of Star Wars related stuff, I figured this was a good opportunity to focus my energy on my Mass Effect/Star Wars fusion and I have a decent amount of the second chapter for A Different Shade of Blue underway. Probably the trickiest thing about that AU is getting all the terminology correct. Despite watching a ton of Star Wars throughout the years, I still have a hard time envisioning how certain things work, I guess. And then Mass Effect still counts as a relatively new interest as I've only played through the trilogy once and I'm still working on Andromeda. Despite these difficulties, I think the fusion is coming along nicely. It's very solidly "Action/Adventure" and I feel like writing that sort of thing is one of my stronger suits even as some of the details are tougher to sort out. I suppose that's why multiple drafts are a thing. :D
And speaking of Star Wars, I've been slowly making my way through The Clone Wars and this time around I'm having a much easier time keeping track of the different clones, who are definitely interesting, but since there were so many I had a hard time with it the first time I saw the show. Now I can recognize Rex and Cody without much trouble and now that I've figured that out I'm realizing how often they're in the show even when the episode isn't centered on them.
Anyway, I'm hoping while this Star Wars mood lasts I'll get a lot of writing done for that one story and possibly even a few actual Star Wars oneshots. I haven't ever written anything for the franchise directly before, so that could be an interesting challenge. Still kind of want to get at least one Detroit: Become Human story out before that, though. XD
movie: star wars,
odds & ends,
writing update