A Few Small Updates

Jan 14, 2021 19:57

As a followup to the last post, outside of looking at icons, I've spent the vast majority of the day clearing away old paperwork. XD Every time I think I've gotten rid of the excess there is yet more. Doing this has freed up quite a bit of storage space, however!

I've also discovered some nice incense scents: Gold Champa and Aqua. The first is relaxing and the second very fresh.

I've been making good progress through Oathbringer lately, so I'm hoping I can finally start up Rhythm of War, which has continued to stare at me from my bookcase. D8 I also finished The City We Became a few days ago. I liked the book overall and it looks like it's the first in a series, which I wasn't expecting. It does explain why I felt like the characters weren't being fleshed out quite as much as I expected them to be; there will be more to come! It's definitely a love letter to New York, which is cool. I felt like I got the vibe of each part of the city (especially since they're anthropomorphized), but since I've never been I couldn't help but feel like a native New Yorker would have more to say on the matter.

My main complaint is that it felt like everything was resolved too quickly. And, again, I realize this will probably be tackled in the sequels, but I still would have liked a slower pace, I think. Still, I'd recommend it to anyone who enjoys tales of New York and fantasy. Each section of New York has an avatar, and that was definitely my favorite part, seeing how each person was similar to their designated section.

I'm making decent progress in Mass Effect: Andromeda. Last I wrote about it I think I was still debating whether I was going to romance Liam or Vetra, but that was before I met Jaal, and let me just say he is the clear winner in this category. XD He's an interesting fellow! And useful to have along since he can do a lot of the diplomacy with his fellow angarans. As far as the main plot goes, I'm currently on Kadara, which is filled with all kinds of shady types. Should be interesting to see how well that goes!

game: mass effect, bemused's journal, books

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