Fandom Snowflake Challenge 2021 #3 - Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

Jan 06, 2021 11:51

So, the question for this one is who I'd like to have dinner or tea with from a fandom. I'm going to take this as an opportunity to be completely predictable and go with Noé from Vanitas no Carte and here's why: We could discuss all of the meta we've mutually put together about Vanitas. XD And we could feast on dessert while we did it. I cannot think of a more glorious way of spending my time. It would be the ultimate gab session!

Truly, one of the things I enjoy about VNC is that Noé and I are kind of similar in certain ways and one of those is that we both like to analyze things. All kinds of things. In Noé's case, he likes to analyze Vanitas, and since I'm reading and writing meta about the series, so do I! Will we ever get to the bottom of Vanita's past and issues? Will we figure out why he's so contradictory? With enough tarte tatin, we just might.

All right, but who else would be good to have over for dinner? Another immediate response: hobbits. Hobbits love food and they love chatting and every single hobbit in The Lord of the Rings would make for a great conversationalist, so I'd really love to chat with any of them. If we're really lucky, Gandalf might even light a few fireworks and I could have all my questions about their adventures answered. And I would also be in the Shire, maybe around The Party Tree or The Green Dragon or just one of their houses. Ahh, the more I think about this the more glorious it sounds.... I want some pie. Or one of those little cakes Bilbo was rushing out to the dwarves.

And on the note of The Lord of the Rings, I would absolutely have dinner with any of my characters in LOTRO. I mean, we've spent a lot of time together in Middle-Earth as it is and I already know all their habits. XD I could ask them about the adventures we've mutually gone on! And we could attend the festivals in game!

series: lord of the rings, series: vanitas no carte, game: lord of the rings online, event: snowflake challenge

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