LOTRO's Harvestmath

Oct 29, 2020 16:53

It's been longer than I realized since I took part in the Harvestmath! Apparently, in 2018 they added an entirely new area for the festival called Wistmead and it's awesome. It has a maze, new plots, good quests. I really think Standing Stone Games outdid themselves here.

What I particularly like is that we get more story with Bingo Boffin, who we knew previously from tracking down all over Middle-Earth. That questline was absolutely fantastic because there were fun rewards and it really got you exploring, which is a big highlight for a game that does so well with environment.

The Harvestmath plot with Bingo goes in a couple of different directions from trying to spook his impervious cousin, Dinodas, to confronting an actual ghost from the Shire's past. It's actually pretty detailed, which is great, but I had no idea what I was getting into when I started the questline. XD It just kept going and going! I think if I'd realized how long it was going to be I would have been able to ease into it and properly enjoy this written adventure. I still enjoyed it, but there was a lingering sense of "when do I get back to the regular festival again...?" So, if you start it up, be prepared for a journey!

There are some new cosmetics this year as well and I've come up with some fun looks I figure I'll share. (^^) The Autumn Sage set is very popular at the moment and pretty much everyone is wearing it, but I feel like this is the witch look Laurinda was meant to have her whole life as a lore-master, so I have no shame in also wearing the same outfit. XD Behold the outfits under the cut!

I dyed it a dark purple although it's a little hard to tell. Here's the default look with Viburnum:

This is also a look at Wistmead as well. (^^)

And then here's one more look I put together for Laurinda:

I just love the little bee wings. XD They are so cute!

The lag has been kind of rough for the festival so far, so I had to lower settings a bit. I might go in for a higher graphics photoshoot later for the sake of making icons. XD They'd be perfect for the season!

game: lord of the rings online

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