Mar 15, 2020 11:14
I got to see Birds of Prey in theaters several days ago, and I came away feeling really impressed! At first I wasn't really sure; the animation at the start kind of threw me off and I was worried they wouldn't capture the right vibe, I suppose. (Although I did really like that the animation acknowledged Harley's relationship with both the Joker and Poison Ivy.)
It didn't take long for me to completely revise my uncertainty--it was such a fun film! Margot Robbie completely captured the cartoonish, over-the-top, villainous-yet-kind vibe Harley had going in BTAS and it made me so happy. Furthermore, the fight scenes were just... *chef's kiss* Incredibly satisfying to witness. By far the best scene is when she is storming police headquarters and shooting cans of sparkles and paint. If that isn't the most Harley thing ever, I don't know what is.
I've never watched Suicide Squad, so I really can't compare the films or the portrayals of Harley, but this movie really nailed it. Definitely a film to add to the collection. ^^
movie: birds of prey,