Well, I'm home and staying at my parents' house for a bit. It, of
course, blows. They still treat me like an epileptic retard all the
while telling me how great I am. It's a wonderful contradiction that
makes me feel crazy and allows them to feel like good parents. I hate
I found a really funny
comic the other day, and I printed it off and left it on my mother's desk. Now, of course you have to understand my mother is
a Christian. But, she's normally pretty cool. However, apparently not
cool enough to see how such a comic is funny. She interpreted it as an
attack against her and all that she holds dear.
So, she wrote me a note, effectively banning me from ever showing her
anything like it again, and expressing her disgust with my
disrespectful behavior. She also placed a little note in my bathroom on
which she did what she always does... She listed the same generic
"we're proud of you... you're so smart... yada yada bullshit,"
and then proceeded to list off all the things she doesn't like about
me (it literally was a list of things she prays about for me). Apparently I'm arrogant, disrespectful, proud, and selfish. So
yeah. I walked into her office and threw it at her and asked her in
what universe is this an effective or mature means of communication...
and then continued the conversation in the shower by myself for the
next 20 minutes. I always know exactly what to say about a half-hour
after I get mad at her.
On a positive note, my parents are leaving on Thursday and not coming
back for over a week. So, I'm taking advantage of their trust, their
big screen tv, and their hot tub, and throwing a party to which all my
friends are invited. Of course, it will be small and clean and nothing
will get broken... But I am looking foreword to finally breaking in
this house after having lived in it for 11 years.