Google Earth has just announce an update to the Maps of both Houston and Chicago ( There's something wrong with you if you can't entertain yourself for at least an hour puttering around GEarth.
new map imagery of the house I grew up in (now THAT'S high rez):,-87.811545&z=15&t=h&hl=en new map of the townhouse I own (that I guess is what I most think of as "home" now(?):,-95.376259&z=15&t=h&hl=en and to round out the map links, (even though the map imagery is not newly updated) where I live now:,153.04378&z=14&t=h&hl=en I'm being a wuss and not pushpining the actual buildings... and the maps are offset a bit to not be centered on my exact building of interest.
yeah... bed now.