Dec 27, 2007 00:15
One person on my LJ friends page has been Twittering for quite a while, and it was a singular oddity for me on my friends page (and therefore interesting for its uniqueness), but quite a few more have started piping their daily tweets to their LJ (and my friends page) in the last few weeks.
Is this a good thing? I haven't figured out if these daily twitter rundowns are insightful windows into these peoples lives, or ...not. I'm kinda uncertainly eyeing Twitter myself now... and I have half a mind (well, maybe only 1/3 of a mind) to try it out and bestow you all with even more inconsequential details of my life, (or at least semi-more frequent inconsequential details).
What is the LJ-ettiqute opinion on twittering? Is it low-grade blog filler that no one out there wants to be bother to read?
[note: this is NOT supposed to be an indictment of anyone else's blog... I'm just interested how the folks who read my blog react to LJ-Twitter-cross-postings]
Poll Blog Progress?