Feb 19, 2009 01:59
Monday I went to turn on my laptop to send an email, and the bloody thing refused to co-operate. It was completely cactus, just decided to pack it in. Just when you think you're handling your finances alright something else falls out of the sky and bashes you on the head. Thankfully, Dad seems to be acting nicer towards me since I'm off to Egypt/Europe in April and I'll be moving out when I come home, so he loaned me a grand to buy a new one. Really vrey generous of him, considering the fact that he's never loaned me anything like that before and the fact that I normally would never accept a loan that big. But I need a laptop to pay the rest of my trip and for uni, so sacrifices must be made in the name of technology. I am now the proud owner of a shiny new laptop, with a much much much larger hard drive and improved everything and the ability to somehow have all of my old bookmarks. I theorise this is because I'm using the same internet.
I tell you what though, I hate sales people in electronics stores.
The guy I had, since I went with Mum and Dad, only spoke to Dad the entire time we were there. Even though I made it very clear I was the one who was buying the computer and would be using it, and even though Dad had to ask him to translate every single little thing he said. Gah. It pisses me off something chronic when people do that. Females have brains too, you know. I understood everything you were saying much better than my father did, you wankerface.
*runs in circles, hits wall with face*