Per Tina

Oct 25, 2008 18:06

These are the answers to some meme that the ever meme'ing Tina posted. She was to pick 7 things from my interests and I am to explain them. Here goes:

1) cuba
The island where I was born. Cuban blood runs through my veins and Cuba will always be a part of who I am as a person. The experiences I had there and the experience of being a refugee will always inform who I am. Someday I will step foot on that land again. Someday I will see the family I left there, the family that was born after I left, and the graves of those I left there who have since passed.
2) dad
I don't really remember listing this as an "interest". I'm pretty sure that i was just listing things I love and wrote mom/dad. I love children but I am still not convinced that the experience of being a father is one that is meant for me.
3) kindness
Not really sure why I wrote this in the interests. I'm not always the nicest of people but i do try to rule my life by being kind to those I love. I do enjoy doing something nice for someone just for the fuck of it.
4) judaism
As far back as I can remember I've had an interest and affection for all things Jewish. Growing up in Chicago we lived across the street from a Jewish Temple/Hebrew School. I would always ride my bike around in their parking lot and on Saturdays they would come out and ask me to come in and turn on the lights for them because apparently it was against their faith to do so. I was very intrigued by this. To this day many of my favorite people in the arts are of Jewish faith. My favorite teacher was Roz Cantor, a wonderful Jewish woman who taught me to believe in myself. I love Jewish food and Jewish names.
5) movies
6) music
I have to group these two together because they are two things that I feel shape and inform who I am. Film and music to me are two of the most important art forms. I have lived my life the last 30 years as a "music schlepper" and I love it!
7) travel
I love to travel and wish I could afford to do more of it. When I do travel, I like to just go somewhere and sort of pretend I live there for that period. I'm not so much into going to the touristy things as much as just assimilating the place.

There ya go, Tina. You now have the honor of being the person who has made me actually write something in here 'cos I really haven't done so in some time!
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