Ended up going all the way to Busan today, with a few hours stop at the Tongdosa temple. It is a very nice Buddhist temple complex in a fresh air and very hilly surroundings. Also, It is probably one of very few (or maybe the only one) genuinely old looking temples I've been to in Korea and not a full modern days restoration. The trees in colorful blossom made the complex even more pleasant to explore ;)
For the first time in Busan Im not actually staying with Kevin anymore. Karina, the estonian girl who came form Japan here just few days before me wasnt wasting her time in Busan. Through Kevin, when using couch surfing, she got in touch with another american guy teaching here, who was urgently looking for someone to take his teaching spot for a few weeks while on a short visit to US himself. It was perfect for Karina as she didnt really had what to do at the moment and after a few meetings she got accepted as a temporary English teacher (illegally of course, estonians are not native english speakers so cant really teach in Korea). Its not enough that she got payed shit lots of cash for just few hours a day work, but she got the US mans apartment in the center of the city, mobile phone, transport card, internet connection and a fantastic night view of Busan from the balcony!
All this happening is perfect for this lovely girl, as it will help to make her traveling dream of finding a boat and crossing to Alaska a bit closer! As for me, well... I have a super centrally located apartment to base myself for the next few days while Im in Busan, plus this huge balcony with a view from it :DD