RPS Fic: Man's Best Friend (J2, NC-17) 1/2

Mar 13, 2008 23:03

Sorry this took so long!  I was beginning the think the universe was conspiring against me.  ANYWAY.

Title: Man's Best Friend
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jensen gets turned into a dog.  Things...happen.
Notes: at end of fic
Warnings: Extreme crack
Word Count: ~ 18,000
Disclaimer: Not mine, never happened.

ETA: Podfic by juice817 here!

Part One )

rps, fic, j2

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Comments 29

vesuvianite April 27 2008, 01:07:10 UTC
This is such a fun fic. I'm enjoying it so much!

Loved this bit:

Sadie darts forward and sniffs him again, and then she says something, a garble of words that Jensen has trouble translating, but he gets the general meaning, and holy fuck. It’s not as simple as his name, it’s more like a combination of sensory details and an idea, an affectionate warmth that’s tied to Jared, but the point is, they recognize him. Somehow, despite the fact that he’s currently canine, they know who he is. They go crazy again, tails wagging, and Harley says happily, “Little dog Jensen!”

“Play!” Sadie repeats. “Play, little dog Jensen!”


Business taken care of, he trots back, head high and tail wagging. Jared’s full of effusive praise, and while part of Jensen is very weirded out by the fact that Jared’s validating him for pissing in his yard, he can’t stop a little flare of pride.Jensen turning his nose up at the dog food, and then Jared sampling it to get him to eat it was adorable too ( ... )


belyste April 28 2008, 20:36:33 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you're liking it.

That doesn't work, since Jensen's head couldn't be against Jared's chest if he's sleeping on his thigh. So maybe you could just say Jensen hears Jared's heart beating faster.

Right, I was thinking of you can feel a heartbeat/pulse near major arteries, but I guess that was sort of unclear. Anyway, thanks for pointing it out.


ella_menno May 11 2008, 07:25:50 UTC
They’re like brothers. They do brotherly things like wrestle and send random text messages during the few hours they’re apart and give each other backrubs and hug a lot. There’s no flirting involved.

Oh, I hurt myself laughing. Oblivious!tinydog!Jensen=Best. Thing. Ever.

I already adore this story....


belyste May 14 2008, 17:49:28 UTC
Yay! I'm glad you're liking it so far.


lovelyladylooks June 17 2008, 19:03:42 UTC
OMG, this is gorgeous and This dog thing sucks, but Jensen’s totally rocking it anyway. He’s adaptable like that. has GOT to be the funniest line ever...lol... I'm SO off to read part 2 now =)


strokeof_genie June 21 2008, 02:30:44 UTC
I just discovered this, and had to say:

They’re like brothers. They do brotherly things like wrestle and send random text messages during the few hours they’re apart and give each other backrubs and hug a lot. There’s no flirting involved.

LOL that is the best, ever.


belyste June 23 2008, 05:46:17 UTC
Hee, thank you! I'm glad you're liking it!


slash_freak_oz June 23 2008, 12:22:16 UTC
LMAO...what a great idea for a story!

*giggles* It's so funny....plus I wanna know what Jared calls puppy Jensen too!


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