happy anniversary to meeeee

Mar 02, 2008 19:06

So, I totally forgot, but last week was my first ever LJ anniversary! *throws confetti*

And I realized that despite having this LJ for an entire year, I never did get around to doing one of those "this is me!" posts. I'm not very good at volunteering information - in RL people are always saying, "Why didn't you tell me that?" and I'm like, "I don't know...you didn't ask!" - so I kind of end up being unintentionally mysterious. So, extremely belatedly, here's some stuff about me.

My name is Dana, which makes me an extra-lucky fangirl - my name's been in two different SPN episodes and both boys have said and written it, not to mention Sam doing that porny exhale over it on a glass table. I'm 23, a Scorpio (I'm sure you were dying to know), and I live in the wilds of rural Minnesota and work in Minneapolis. I've lived in MN my entire life, excepting the semester I spent in London, and I definitely have one of those Minnesoooootan accents. I speak a bit of Swedish, too, which makes it even worse.

Which brings me to my username - "belyste" is just a random Swedish word I like. It means "illuminated." If I was speaking proper Swedish I suppose it'd be pronounced "bay-LEASE-tuh," but I'm lazy and in my head it sounds more like "bell-EAST." But you can pronounce it however you like - "bell-ist," "bel-something," "that one annoying girl," whatever. I'll never know.

I graduated from college last spring, and I'm still kind of trying to figure out what I'm doing with my life. Mostly that means I have a boring job and I spend my working hours thinking about how much I wish fandom was a viable career option. It'd be a lot more fun.

I have one brother who's four years younger than me, doesn't get along with my parents, argued with them about going halfway across the country to college, and never calls home. Not surprisingly, I find it easiest to write from Dean's point of view.

He's the one responsible for getting me into SPN in the first place, though. I started reading fic my senior year of high school in the Harry Potter fandom, thanks to my cousin, and after discovering this little thing called slash (especially of the Remus/Sirius variety) I stayed with HP for nearly three crazy years. I had a few brief flirtations with other fandoms, but it wasn't until my brother made me watch the summer repeats of season one of SPN that I jumped ship. I hated the first episode I saw - it was Bloody Mary, and I remember saying SPN was just a prettified teen version of The X-Files - but it won me over, obviously, and here I am.

Anyway, I'm not brave enough to post any pictures of my face, but if you want a general idea of what I look like (or you want to check out my ass), then here I am surveying my kingdom Tucson.

And that's all I can think of right now, but if there's anything more you'd like to know about me, feel free to ask!

Also, yesterday marks a year since I posted my first fic in this fandom. In that year, I've written 14 fics for a grand total of 150,380 words. I am one wordy bitch.


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