source So... Bungie Studios is no longer property of Microsoft... thank heavens. Back when I was in High school Marathon (call it a fore-runner to halo) was my favorite series of FPS games. It still ranks pretty highly due to innovation and killer storyline, actually (tho I have to admitt I can not play them for long due to graphics which are over a decade out of date, now).
For halo fans there are hints in Halo's storyline(s) that the Masterchief is also the protagonist for the marathon series. The chief goes into cryo-sleep at the end of halo 3 and says somthing like "wake me when you need me"... and marathon begins about 250 years later...
I think I cried when microsoft bought Bungie.
Aside from only making stuff for X-Box/Windows what has come out of Bungie in the last several years has been good. although bungie says they're still producing exclusively for windows/360... here's hoping they branch out back to where they started from in the near future.