
Jan 04, 2010 07:29

I decided to buy myself a Christmas present since I got the new job and actually have a pay check coming in on a regular basis. I bought a 50" Plasma TV and a Home Theater to accompany it. I have also signed up for Netflix and have been extremely happy with it thus far. The streaming content directly to the A/V system is awesome, its a digital movie library at my finger tips. The Bluray player is awesome. Planet Earth in HD is AMAZING. I popped it in to have on in the background as I worked around the house the other day and I ended up staring at it for a half hour with my jaw dropped.

A few things that I have watched thus far that I would have never otherwise seen:
-Sanctuary Season 1- Highly recommend this one.
-Coupling- jury is still out.
-Festival Express- I had already seen this one, but highly recommend it if you are a classic rock fan/aficionado.
-Grateful Dawg- See above, Festival Express.
-Robert Earl Keen No.2 Live- This was alright, the music was great, but the quality and video editing were lacking.

I also got to see Avatar in IMAX 3D last night, it truly was freaking spectacular. It was like an audio/visual orgasm. I'm looking forward to getting this one on Bluray. The story line was pretty strong and the acting was very solid as well. Overall, a really great movie.
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