"The Widening Gyre"
post Yep. RHW wrote the S2 opener. It was good! I really liked it. Dylan wasn't too pompous. Trance had the worst line deliveries, instead of Beka. Rommie totally kicked ass. Rev didn't bore the crap out of me. And I love Tyr and Harper as buddies!
But I just have a feeling that the arc set-ups are going to be dropped quickly. Lava Man and Harper's baby Magog and Trance's playing the odds and Rommie's crush on her Captain. Crap. I think I'm going to keep watching. I suck.
"Exit Strategies"
"Falsehood Framed"
post I quite liked the other 2 episodes on the first disc. The one immediately following the premiere had so much continuity, and not just from the prior ep! And as far as the other is concerned, well, I always like a good heist caper.
There are little details that I find quite enjoyable. I like that Beka hates being planet-side. It's both believable and a characterization I haven't encountered in genre shows previously. I like that Dylan always puts on eye safety gear. And that he marked blazes on trees when going wandering on an unfamiliar planet.