I don't necessarily want this outcome. But I spend an awful lot of time on TWoP's
Grassy Knoll and this is what I think is going to happen. Blake's gone at 4th. He can still get a deal but won't have the sting to his street cred that the title might imply. Plus, TPTB won't have a surly music snob who knows exactly what he wants and that they ain't it like they got with Taylor. Heh. Melinda's out at 3rd. She's a great singer but too old school. They want a final showdown of Chris R. vs Jordin with Jordin coming out on top. They're both young and malleable and "modern".
If this fails, then Sanjaya and Jordin should at least each get their own Disney shows. Sanjaya's going to sell a lot of bedroom posters to 12 year old girls.