I groaned when I saw that “The Muse” was up next. But then Mr. b, the writer, told me to shut up and that it’s one of his favorites. So I watched it with a new perspective this time and I can both see why I was underwhelmed initially and why a professional creative would really like it.
But first, Lwaxana. I think this is her weakest appearance in DS9. I know she’s an alien and it’s the future but pregnant? Really? I had a hard time swallowing that aspect of her story. I do really love the continued growth of her relationship with Odo, though. It’s lovely that she recognizes his heartbreak regarding Kira. It’s fabulous that he marries her anyway and his vows are truly moving. Do the rest of the staff in attendance know how much of the ceremony is a scam and how much is heartfelt? I guess it doesn’t really matter in the end. I would have liked some follow-up or at least teasing in passing.
Back to Jake. I do like that the Muse herself is a woman of a certain age. This wouldn’t have worked if they had cast an ingénue in the role. It’s got to be extremely difficult to portray the actual creative process of writing in an exciting manner so I have to give the writers a gold star for even attempting it. It’s cool that she gives him pen and paper to use. We’ve only ever seen him use a PADD before. It’s definitely interesting that this is the genesis of famous Anslem. I also liked that it was Benjamin who helped Jake to understand that it’s still his, even if there was alien influence involved.
After much build-up and many red herrings, “For the Cause” finally reveals Eddington as a bad guy. I honestly don’t remember how shocked I was when I first saw it. And now, of course, I can’t see him as anything but Maqui in his earlier episodes.
But I do remember being absolutely blindsided by Kasidy’s involvement. I like that we the audience don’t really get to find out what’s going on until Sisko puts it together. We see Eddington behaving strangely but it’s not until deep into the episode that we get confirmation that he’s no longer on the up and up. Plus it makes it that much more painful to see Benjamin react to Eddington’s and Odo’s suspicions of Kasidy’s Maqui activity. Avery Brooks does such a great job of showing how he’s torn between being a good boyfriend and being a good captain. He’s will to give her the benefit of the doubt, but not actually cross the line into blind refusal to accept the possibility. It’s a tricky bit of acting and I’m just so impressed by the emotions. And that ending. Oh boy. She comes back and he’s going to wait for her. That is love.
The b-plot with Ziyal and Garak is bittersweet for me. Just knowing that their friendship is the cause of her death makes their tentative steps towards each other that much sadder to watch. But I do love how coy Garak is and how self-assured Ziyal is.
I have only one thing to say about “To the Death”: WEYOUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK, maybe I have more than that but still, it’s Weyoun! Hi Weyoun! It’s kind of amazing to me that we’ve had multiple Brunt appearances by this point, and another random Jeffrey Combs alien, but his most iconic role (sorry Shran) doesn’t happen until this late in the fourth season.
'The Founders' ability to control the Jem'Hadar has been somewhat... overstated. Otherwise we never would've had to addict them to the White.''>
I think this episode is a great way to come back to the Dominion storyline. We’ve gotten distracted by Klingons and Cardassians and the Maqui but now the focus is starting to realign towards the Gamma Quadrant. First of all, the damage to the station itself is hardcore. The raiding Jem’Hadar just completely smashed the place. So much for all the oft discussed defensive improvements. I must admit that I totally didn’t remember the TNG episode with the Iconian gateway. I’m glad Worf did but I just keep thinking of how it’s almost, but not quite, the City on the Edge of Forever. At any rate, it’s a good set up to have to work with First Omet’iklan and his men to take down the rouge Jem’Hadar. We get to learn quite a bit more about their internal structure and development. I love the scene where Toman'torax picks a fight with Worf and gets his neck broken by his First. It’s such a hilarious let down to see Sisko just...scold Worf and send him to bed without any supper.
I really like the subtle character moments sprinkled throughout the episode. Dax’s amazement upon learning that the Jem’Hadar rarely live past 8 years and a 20 year old would be an honored elder. O’Brien recording his final message to his family before battle. And everybody’s pretty snarky. Sisko has his line about healthy fear of death keeping officers on their toes. And there’s the classic, "I am Chief Miles Edward O'Brien. I'm very much alive and I intend to stay that way."
The battle itself is strangely anti-climactic. But how awesome is it when Omet’iklan just kills Weyoun? HEE! I’d be far sadder if I didn’t know this was the start of a beautiful trend of multiple Weyouns, all with excellently subtle character variations.