I’m glad to get to see Worf’s brother Kurn again in “Sons of Mogh”. It’s nice to tie up a loose thread that TNG left hanging.
All the honor bullshit is very real to me. We know enough about both Klingons in general and Worf in particular to believe all the actions that both brothers take throughout this story. Of course Worf actually goes through with it and kills his brother! Of course Kurn kicks ass in the Bajoran security officer job once he’s told that’s his only choice. And it makes sense that Worf would come up with the memory-wipe plan. I do wonder about the rest of the House of Mogh. Where are the other members? Where are the lands and holdings and ships? It sounds like Worf is really rather wealthy but we never see any sign of that. I guess maybe that’s how he could afford to just hang out on that monastery moon for so long between series?
My absolute favorite moment, however, is when Sisko rips both Worf and *Jadzia* new ones for all of the Klingon bullshit he’s put up with. HEE! Also, is it just me or is Jadzia totally already into Worf?
“Bar Association” is a pretty huge episode, if only for the development of Rom.
We do get the return of Brunt, and the Nausicaans playing darts against each other’s chests is hilarious. But mostly, I love watching all the background players in this one. It’s fun seeing the different reactions of the Dabo girls versus the Ferengis. And is that Aron Eisenberg playing a non-Nog waiter? I like to think this is the start of Leeta seeing Rom as a potential boyfriend. She’s clearly proud of him for leading the strike and negotiating their demands as well as quitting and becoming a diagnostic and repair technician, junior grade, night shift. I imagine he got a really decent recommendation letter from Eddington. HA!
I guess the only other thing of note for this one is Worf moving to the Defiant. Which is pretty frickin’ awesome.
I think my favorite part of “Accession” is at the end, when the Prophets admit that they sent Akorem Laan for The Sisko. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Keiko is pregnant!
'Seven months? Unfortunately, I will be away from the station at that time. Far away. Visiting my parents. On Earth. Excuse me.''> Which means I now start watching Nana Visitor’s midriff extremely closely, looking for signs of pregnancy. Did they write in the new O’Brien baby first and then just conveniently use that as an explanation for Visitor’s condition? Or did they put that in intentionally, knowing they’d have to explain the actress’ pregnancy eventually and wanting to, ahem, sow the seeds ahead of time? I do appreciate Molly so much more this rewatch, having kids of my own now. The way she snots “I’m coloring” to her dad when Miles is trying to hang out with his daughter? Wow. Her tone of voice was *exactly* that of my toddler daughter. To the point that now Mr. b and I have been using “I’m coloring” for shorthand to amuse ourselves whenever the Rani is being a selfish brat to us or her brother.
Anyway, back to the Emissary. I find it fascinating to watch how everyone reacts to Akorem’s speech about returning to their d'jarras. It’s a very interesting concept and this is one instance where I like seeing the Federation finally taking a stance. They don’t allow caste systems in their member worlds. Period. No Prime Directive involved. Which makes it so much more shocking to see all of Bajor starting to go along with the proclamation, however hesitant they may be. It’s chilling enough to watch the lower caste lady give up her chair to Kira. It’s downright horrifying when the vedek kills his fellow priest for being an Untouchable. So when Sisko finally allows himself to pay attention to Opaka in his flashbacks, and then take a little trip into the wormhole to talk to the Prophets himself, it’s pretty powerful. The declaration that this was all just a way to get him to fully accept being the Emissary is incredible. And he does. Sisko embraces the role finally, in all its nuances.