OK I know that Ferengi episodes are not generally beloved, but I thoroughly enjoy “Prophet Motive”.
'No it isn't the tenth rule of Acquisition is 'Greed is Eternal'!''>I think it’s such a clever way to show the positive sides of Ferengi culture. You get to see firsthand how making Zek “nice” really ruins everything. I love emotional Maihar'du. And we get to hear him speak in the Prophet vision! It’s great that Quark gets to save the day with his screwball logic, kind of like on Q’onos.
The B story with Bashir is a nice bit of character development. It was a good way to emphasize how young he is as well as how respected he already is within his field. I liked how the entire station got so into the stupid scientist awards. Also: dart board!!
I’m not sure if “Visionary” necessarily fits within the let’s-torture-O’Brien canon but he’s certainly not having a good time.
As a general rule, I’m a fan of time loop and time bubble episodes and this one doesn’t let me down. It’s cool watching Miles figure out what’s happening and I like that his co-workers take him seriously and help research instead of just smiling and nodding like he’s crazy. I do think it’s funny how cavalier Bashir is when Past!Miles shows up and sees Dead!Miles on the autopsy table. “Oh. It’s you.” The only thing that drives me crazy is that it takes so damn long to figure out it’s the Romulans. Really? We’ve known about their singularities in their engines for many season of TNG now. And you have Romulans onboard, getting intel about the Dominion. You really think they honestly don’t have a cloaked ship in orbit? That’s serious idiocy. But I do like that they end up with the three and a half hours in the future Miles at the end. Don’t tell Keiko.
I had convinced myself that “Distant Voices” was the one with the Starfleet woman stuck on a distant planet, awaiting rescue, and they get there and find out her transmissions were from the past. Nope. It’s fuckin’ Bashir and the tennis game/alien headfuck. Boo.
This one is so dumb. The only point is to give the rest of the cast the week off. Garak isn’t a regular so he comes in. Quark gets and expanded role. Vacation days for everyone else. We already dealt with Julian’s insecurities and age issues with the Carrington award. Which was all of two episodes ago. This was a complete waste of time. The only positive thing I have to say is that the old age make-up was really well done and Alexander Siddig did a great job altering his posture and body movements.