This has been a television season like no other: I just keep jettisoning shows. It’s very liberating. I finally quit Stargate Universe once and for all after being thoroughly bored by the new offering after the mid-season hiatus. That helped me to never even start Caprica after the underwhelming DVD pilot. Idol is fading fast, though I still
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How I Met Your Mother is on my list of things to get around to watch someday - the clips I've seen have been lots of fun! But I just started in on Avatar: The Last Airbender (streaming on Netflix) and have no more room for anything else in my TV watching.
Also: I want to be River Song when I grow up!
I'm not yet through Season 1. However, it is already one of the better shows I've seen, and apparently it just keeps getting better.
The movie trailers make it look like lots of cool fight scenes - and there's tons of cool fight scenes in the show, but it is really very, very character-driven. I don't think the movie is going to do the show justice (although, what movie ever does?), plus I'm troubled by the casting.
Which is a long-winded way of saying, you should check out the show!
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