Six Week Synopsis

Jul 07, 2006 17:37

Gah…it’s been forever since I’ve posted here…not much of a surprise as my move out of the college was a bit crazy and that the only immediate access I had to the internet over the month of June was on my mother’s PC which runs dial-up and has a hard-drive that uses vacuum tubes.

By and large the school-year ended on a very weird note, what with Mama being shot and all. Coming home to a house that now seems too empty is very weird indeed. Plus, living at one’s parent’s home for any length of time when you’re in your mid-thirties is always weird and uncomfortable. Not to mention a bit difficult as my mother takes a “say no” policy toward pot…so I have to sneak around for my fix while she’s on her second scotch and soda. Bah. Hypocrisy always makes me itchy.

I’m about two weeks into the season with KAT, which means that the “Kaberet” is up and running tonight. We spent the first week building up the stage so that Trish could have something skeletal to work off of (as she can’t work off of a ground plan or taped rehearsal space), which equates to one full week of ass busting for no pay, but less stress for all involved later on. As always, working for KAT is a mixed blessing…the hours are insane, well past anything you’d find in equity, and it’s completely a functioning / non-functioning theater in that the chain of command is so screwed up that the directors are giving scenic notes to my Props Master and my only carpenter is being given notes about set dressings. The issue at hand is that the institution is basically theater for soccer moms by soccer moms. They want it to look professional, but don’t really understand what that requires. Case in point, when they were trying to figure out how to save money this season, they figured it would be a great idea to shave off two of my carpenters and then reduce my budget. Brilliant.

Spent a day hiking with Danielle last month, which was nice, if a bit weird. She's one of the few people I know that I can have a spiritual discussion with without it sounding either inane or arrogant. As always, the sexual tension was a palpable. We may have had a number of problems in our relationship, but the sex was never a part of it. No big surprise that we ended the day by screwing the hell out of each other. Since then, she’s basically disappeared, which only annoys me in that she gave me this song and dance about how much she wanted to hang out, that she was really looking forward to a summer “fling” etc. etc. Frankly, I don’t much care if I’m being used for sexual satisfaction; just don’t bother trying to make it into something else.

Kadie stayed for a long weekend before her trip up to Montreal. She was sick the whole time, which made me feel really bad for her. I wish it had been a better time, but I think, no matter what she says, she really wants a full-time boyfriend, and I’m just not in a place in my life to give that to anybody. So that tends to put stress on something that I don’t want to have any stress at all. As I get older, I realize that maybe I’m just not designed to be with anyone.

Got a chance to hang out with Dan a little bit a couple of weeks ago, which was great. He’s been dragged into the whole “Sandwich Gang” which he seems to fit into very well. Being around that group of reprehensible reprobates is probably the high-light of my summer. As someone once said, you can make new friends, but you can never make new old friends.

Three weeks left on this program, and I’m already feeling burned out…yikes.
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