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Apr 12, 2006 20:36

First really good day I’ve had in awhile…which is good considering that I was woken up from a sound sleep (and a deep dream) at 5:30 am by one of my housemates knocking on their own door (I think that she locked herself out and was trying to get her lad to let her back in). One of my larger class projects is completed and seems to have been pretty well received. Had a really progressive meeting with my mentor and discussed the idea of a stage management appreciation class for directors. A large number of our MFA directors come from the world of having to do it all for themselves and simply don’t know how to utilize us very well, which has proven to cause some issues. My rehearsal with the creative writing class was extremely positive, as I got a great deal of the basic information taken care of right off the bat and seemed to make a good impression on my director, who put the cherry on my day by saying “God, I love having a stage manager”.

I think that most stage managers are really very loyal dogs. We love to help and make folks happy and all we really want is the occasional pat on the head.
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