I want to do this next year as my solo in the dance show.
THIS RIGHT HERE. I hope the video loads for you. If not go to
www.launch.co.uk and then under the thumbnail "Music Videos" click 'new videos'. Then find singing in the rain. AND WATCH.
Marnie pretty much convinced me to get an ipod colour screen. I WANT 60 GB. I wish they made 40 GB.
It was her last, or one of her last days with me in Victoria. Maybe I will come visit her next July before she comes back? Maybe we can come back together? I bet you I can save enough money for a ticket! I BET YOUR ASS I CAN! It's now a DARE MARNIE.
This morning, I washed my face for work. My hair doesn;t need a shower every morning. The more I sleep the better the bed head look. I am so glad it's ALL GONE. Oh and I wash my armpits.