Only derpers like me manage to run out of herbs and mistake cumin for thyme but dried herbs really don't look that different from each other ^_^;;! At least it's not mistaking the salt for sugar like that custard... err...
The monitor's been on the blink for the last few weeks and it's finally become such an annoyance, i.e. the random switching off is getting so often, that it's getting replaced. Hopefully the new one will arrive at the end of this week or early next week. I wonder if the higher contrast and resolution will be noticeable.
Feeling a bit accomplished because I've finally finished the Kaito cosplay, yayness. Only a few tidying up stitches to do and to style the wig. The interpretation for the shoes were a little liberal but the reference looks odd. They were cheap though, only £5! I got the colour mixing for the paint wrong and in the end, I slapped neat ultramarine blue onto the shoes with lemon yellow trimming. I thought the ultramarine was too bright so mixed some black in but a small blob of black turned the whole lot dark grey
I keep pondering whether to buy some orange glow in the dark paint because that would be so awesome, nearly as awesome as cosplaying a glowstick in the dark XD. The shoes for Meiko has arrived too but I think I'll need to buy a magic eraser to clean the scuff marks and I'll need some red pvc to craft the ankle straps and T-bar shape. I'll also need to make the belt to cosplay Lucifer from El Shaddai because ever since I've seen the character, all I could ever think is "Looks like him on a Saturday night out!", maybe it's the black shirt and the spikey hair XD. Maybe I'm just looking for an excuse to craft Enoch's armour out of polystyrene with a craft knife XD.
I think all the organising and sewing has kicked my brain to engage the left side and subsequently, I've been playing more games as well. I do some random sketches that don't seem to come out right or feel inspired. My brain can't make cosplay and art simultaneously o_O. Well, maybe the right side of my brain will engage when I'm done.
I haven't been able to sleep very well the last week because it's been quite warm in the evenings (it gets warm here for 2 weeks before we're plunged back into the cold). Not sure if the tiredness is contributing but I've been feeling a little low recently. I've been feeling a bit detached, I suppose living out in the sticks doesn't really help. Also had an unexpected longer visit from Yinga because he crashed his car when a fuel can flew out of a pick up truck, which he drove through and then drove the car underneath the truck. Thankfully, both him and Kenzo are fine but Kenzo did make a good point that if the fuel had ignited, they'd be toast O_O. Accidents happen to everybody and you can never really account for all the stupid things that idiots do (in this case, the driver hadn't even secured down any of the stuff in the pick-up and he was driving around the bumpy, twisty country roads
I've also been contemplating buying one of those really expensive dolls, maybe I'm just in the crafting mood but I'm having real difficulty justifying the huge price tag and I feel like it could be a downward spiral of irrational exuberance. There's also a lot of other things to consider besides the cost so I've just been doing casual research into the subject. In a way, it's like they next level up from figure collecting *glances at the shelf*, yeah... (to be honest, it started off because I didn't like the Pullip version of Kaito XD). I read into why people buy these dolls and then found some pretty examples of ball jointed dolls and now I want one to craft my own scale version of him ^_^;;. Well, let's face it, I think I'll waiting forever for a Max Factory version.