First Entry of the Year!

Jan 03, 2009 11:19

Wow I cant believe its 2009 already.
Honestly it still feels like 2008 to me

Its like "Happy New Year! but i dnt rly feel like its an actual new year yet but YAH!"
Lol stupid? Yes I know

So how was everyone's first dream of the New Year??
Mine was quite interesting. It even carried on to the next night!
No details posted in here. Just in my real journal haha
But I will say that a part of it was meeting a new person that I became really good friends with.
I would call that a good omen dream for the New Year ne?

So I spent New Years eve with Charles.
If it werent for him, it woulda really sucked cuz I had to spend it at my Tita Glenda's and it was soooo boring!
But since he kept me company, it wasnt so bad =]

He taught me how to play some stuff of the guitar!

We went to my house for the countdown thankfully.

We took our yearly New Years pic together but with no christmas tree in the bg this time haha.
But I kinda like how it came out still.
Too bad we mite note be able to take one again next year since he probably cant get next year off in winter.

Then he slept over again =]

We got to spend the first day of the year with the other guys.
Atomic wings at Wingstop (hilarious moments man. i cant eat those hot wings like they can lol) and Rock Band 2

It was good to hang out with everyone and see them again.
Kinda sucks that it was the only time our whole old group got to hang out all winter break..

Last night was Cha's last night here.
We spent the whole day together.
The morning we went to the Air Force base with my parents, his mom, and his bro. Shopped.
Had lunch at my house. Left parents at home while went to Cha's grandpa's house to see the doggies (
Went to Cha's house and just chilled there one last time.
Went back to my house with Cha to get my parents and go out.
Ate Pho soup (
yummm) then killed time at the mall.
Cha spoiled me as usual by buying a bunch of stuff for me at Barns and Noble

He bought me a manga, a novel, a cool portfolio thing for my drawings, and a wooden action model to help me draw. He got one for himself too.
Counted people who we thought were doing lame things. Count around 13 lol
Dropped him home and said our goodbyes.

A lot of people question to two of us but thats ok.
The two of us know whats really going on and I think thats all that really matters.
Im glad he understands how I feel and hope he continues to understand what I want for us.
Hopefully this year will be different and better, even if it means us just being friends.
I just want the two of us to be happy again.

I got tagged by Aldrin lol

A. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question.
B. Tag eight people. don't refuse to do that. don't tag who tagged you

1. What are your nicknames?

Oh wow I have too many
Different friends call me different names. I like it lol
Plus shows history. but that also means I dnt like certain ppl calling me certain nicknames

2. What is one talent you wish you possessed?


3. Do you wish to experience being in your favourite JE’s body even for just one day?
haha that would be fun acutally! sure!

4. Why is that?

Be a part of NewS?! COME ON! lol

5. Would you prefer a 6-membered NEWS group?
I guess kinda but I don’t really care as long as they keeping making great music ^^

6. What was the last book you read?
Love Attack XD

7. Are you craving anything right now?
Thai Tea

8. What was the last thing you watched on DVD?
Wicker Park o.o ♥

9. What was your last dream about?
lmao hung out with some of my cosplay idols. xD yeah i know lame. BUT FUN!
then later at my school we had some competition for musicians to get scholarships.
saw a lot of ppl i knew
hung out with some old friends from like middle school x.x and saw my old crush. haha was weird

10. Who do you think about before you sleep?
iono. secret!

11. What was the last thing you said out loud?

12. What websites do you visit daily?
livejournal, yahoo mail, d-addicts, scribbles n such

13. What classes are you taking right now? and if you're not in school anymore, what's your job?
Monday I start Speech 101

14. Do you like to clean?
lol sometimes

15. What's the last song that got stuck in your head?

16. What are you doing right now?
uh this lol

17. Who was your childhood idol?
Sailor Moon

18. What would you do if you saw $100 lying on the ground?
Look around to see if it was a trick or if anyone else is lookin at it to grab it too LOL

19. Would you rather be hairy or a werewolf?
wat kind of question is that lol

20. Where is your ideal vacation?

I tag anyone who reads this

~Beloved Star

love, friends, family, meme, holidays

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