Here It Comes!

Dec 16, 2008 19:26

So its finally here.. The dreaded Math final of mine! TOMORROW!!!

Its already 7:30 and I havent started studying.
I studies last week but come on.. thats last week.
I have to study again
Cram like crazy u know?
But I really dont feel like it's enough.

Im being such a schoolgirl.. I really want an A in the class.
I was on a good track before but Ive been slipping lately
I just figured out lately that if I want an A in the class, I can only miss 1 PROBLEM ON THE WHOLE TEST

I wanna think
But when I get the test in front of me, the teacher as always loves to give the most complicated version of problems we've learned and Im just like
shit.. shit..... I dont know how anymore!!!
Our teacher is known for destroying confidence..

Lmao I waited all my time redoing things here on my lj.
Wanted a new layout cuz the holiday layouts were just too cute!
Im such a girl sometimes, I know LOL!
I also added cute new bunny emoticons!
hurray for bunnies <333
Yeah.. I was looking for avatar templates to edit my default avatar when I came across a site with the cutest graphics
I cudn resist!

Well wish me luck
Im gonna study now

Winter break isnt even just around the corner but closer! HURRAY!
I cant wait!

Bye for now!!!

~Beloved Star

life, college

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