What are you thankful for?

Nov 25, 2010 23:27

Today was fun hanging out with a bunch different people at different places lol.
It's less than an hour left for this year's Thanksgiving.
"What are you thankful for?"

A lot really.
Even though there are a lot of things I could have changed or things I could have done better, Im still grateful for where I am now. I just don't really admit it much

I have God who I feel like Ive gotten a lot closer to this year.
I have my parents. Although we all fight a lot, I know they will always have my back. We're connected by blood. No one could replace them.
I have Mokong ♥ My best friend. My baby. He's always happy to see me no matter what and I think everyone needs that from someone or something hehe.
I have my friends. I don't have a lot. I could easily give you a list of my good friends. I don't really have a best friend that I see/talk/hang out with every single day. But all that's ok. I have sincere, honest, loyal ppl that I know have my back when I need it. People who I can just have fun with and thats all that really matters.
I have 秋, J.R., and M.D. They give me strength and inspiration. I dont have a boyfriend or a "significant other" who makes me feel special with romantic things. But I have those 3 who remind me to try and be the best person that I can be. Sure I may not be able to have them physically with me everyday but I dont need that to have them really have an impact on me. To have them stay special to me. Thank you J.R. for visiting again this morning...
Then of course theres the typical stuff- roof over my head, food on the table, good (enough lol) health, education, etc.
I don't have an exciting life with a lot going on. Aside from any drama, my life is pretty plain and uneventful really. Its the same thing day after day. What's funny is that for a long time, I used to hate that... and still kinda do. But tonight, it's something I'm grateful for....
So.... "What are you thankful for?"


~Beloved Star

life, love, friends, family, personal thoughts, parents, holidays

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