Quick entry time!
This summer has started off AMAZING
Graduation was last Wednesday on the 9th
It wasn't much but it felt good to get my associates FINALLY haha
Sucks how it seemed to start so late
Started at 6
Especially because I was getting a migraine. Thankfully it didnt get bad
Im grateful that my friends still came despite how late/boring/hot/crowded it was LOL
Thanks you guys!
Then last Saturday, the 12th, was my graduation/belated birthday party
I still have to upload all the pictures we took
I didn't think that many ppl came at first because a lot of ppl who said they were gonna come didnt show up
But now that I think about it, a lot of ppl actually did come. Just all at different times lol
so it was never rly crowded which is good
Mom was right, people do give a lot of money for graduation parties.. LOL
I thank everyone who came and for all the gifts.
Though of course I should thank my parents the most haha we cleaned the whole house preparing for the party for two whole days
I think Im a horrible host but I had fun
I hope everyone else did too
Gathering ppl for group pictures wen everyone is scattered is hard haha still missin ppl
"No your the one replacen me! So fuck you chinky ass mo facko @.@ lol"
Iono why but lately Mykel's imagination has been getting the best of him haha
He's been getting playfully jealous over imaginary boyfriends he keeps making me
Lol but I must admit, I have been enjoying it a lil hahaha
yes I know Im a complete loser. Sorry for the crappy quick bathroom pic LOL
But yes my Hotohori cosplay is done!
Its gonna be hot as well wearing it for AX and im still debating on whether to make his sword.. but im excited!
Still sucks that I have no one to cosplay with me even tho Im goin with friends... lol AX here we come!
*~::Summer 2010 Plans::~*
Jin Akanishi's concert in LA (THIS SATURDAY
Anime Expo
Mayberry Elementary Reunion (I reaaaaaaaaaally hope we can pull this off... !
We got so many ppl interested but whether or not they'll actually show up still kinda seems uncertain.)
Graduation/Belated-Bday Party
Finally do some Jpop covers
and maybe some Filipino covers as well
Tons of karaoke! (partly done during the grad party but must do more!)
Go through all my clothes, organize them, and put aside the old clothes that need to be gone haha (thanks to the party i have new clothes to add to the huge pile to go through
Catch up on all my Jdrama
Clean my room + desk (mostly done from preparing for the party)
Attend SOAR orientation for CSULB and prepare for university! (NEW! lol i forgot to add this to the list)
~Beloved Star