Happy Birthday Tegoshi <3 + Frustration

Nov 11, 2009 20:20

The final NewS birthday for the year

I barely realized yesterday that it was gonna be his birthday.
I really should update my NewS calender
I still have "August" up haha
Im surprised tho. Despite how popular Tegoshi seems to be, there arent that many birthday greetings to him.
It's gotta be the perm.. LOL jk... kinda.. haha!

We still love you though Tegoshi

My, how you've grown.. From that lil boy with the awkward smile in NewS to the most feminine looking guy in NewS
(I still wish I knew his secret to his suddenly straight teeth!
But please.. go back to ur straight hair soon

Our favorite ero prince

Otanjoubi omedetou!

And call me crazy.. but when Tegoshi had his tan, he used to really remind me of my friend Ulyber LMAO

Don't u see it?!

Lol i cant rly find any better pics to show their likeness

Well today is a day off from school bcuz of Veteran's day
but I still didnt rly have a very good day..

I was gonna use last night and today to really study since I have biology exams coming up again all next week

Memorizing names of individual muscles and bones fun!

But I got a migraine yesterday after I got home from school that stayed until night time.
I went to bed early with one side of my head throbbing

But then woke up this morning, with a migraine still, but the other side hurting instead

So I haven't been able to do much..
without having to be careful not to do anything that will suddenly make it worse and waiting for it to go away
Well I did get a little studying done.. like 4 terms

I also remembered all over again that Im really not like any of my girl relatives
I know I should be proud that Im unique I guess and just be myself..
But it bothers me that all my other girl relatives seem so much older and more mature than me

even the ones in high school who are like 2 or more years younger than me..
Looking at them makes me feel like I really fail as a girl..
Mom says to just wear more makeup (she's been tryin to get me to wear makeup for ages)
But I dont think thats it. Its just the makeup? Come on..
I mean not only do ppl think Im 15 years old or younger, they treat me like Im still in high school

And I hate getting those reactions like "Ur 19? Hah yeah right. What's wrong with you then?" when I tell them Im 19
It's like ppl seriously have a hard time seeing me as a 19 year old, both inside and out *sigh*

It frustrates me
I frustrate myself.
I don't know what to do
Do I have to wear makeup and dress the way my cousins do?
Do I have to stop thinking so much and be more materialistic?
Do I have to be super pretty?
Do I have to be constantly out with friends or partying?
Do I have to sleep around with a bunch of guys and get pregnant before graduating college?
Parents always say "Just do good in school and finish ur studies."
I do do that, but then why do ppl especially my family seem to look down on me?
Or at least lower than my other girl relatives =/

Because I like Japanese stuff?
Because Im conservative?
Because Im not good with talking to people?
Blah.. whatever. Enough of that
I need something to cheer me up!

image Click to view

always does the trick

Their new pv makes me happy especially because they're back to their wacky style

And I see that my beloved Ryo is in the middle! haha
If I were ever blessed to be able to spend a day with them, I know I would probably be constantly smiling or laughing

They're such a fun and awesome bunch
Seems like they never have a boring moment
I need me some of that hehe

Ew look at this girl
haha stuck in bed and forced to wear a body wrap thats supposed to help pain and aches
I dnt think it really works...
Stupid migraines

~Beloved Star

personal thoughts, pv, kanjani8, pictures, life, migraines, family, birthdays, rant, news

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