This is the Summer Time

Aug 06, 2009 13:48

It's finally here
my wonderful real summer break

It feels good not having to worry about studying anymore lol Poli Sci class is finally over.

However it didn't quite end the way I wanted it to..

I had completely failed my final surprisingly...
I know I did bad, but I didn't think I did THAT bad.
I was preparing myself for a bad grade but when I found out I wasnt even close to a D,
the overwhelming shock crushed my self esteem and pride, and I started crying
so horrible.. Saite..
Thankfully since I got an A in everything else plus did all the extra credit, I passed the class with an overall B

Just thinking about that final can really piss me off tho..

ANYWAYS! lol moving onto a much brighter subject

I finally got to hang out with Ramón yesterday
So much fun
Highlights: Sleep paralysis
talks, digimon fail, youtube videos, almost getting hit by a car, Cold Stone ice cream, Blenders boba, Shakira impressions, glow sticks, randomly bumping into friends, lucky timing, running back to Ramon's before mom realizes we left, and tons of laughing till we can't breathe laughter = GOOD FUN DAY

Days like those are like the definition of Summer lol

which is exactly what Ive been trying to do!

I went to his place like we planned for so long, hoping to watch a marathon of Digimon
sadly we later realized it was a complete fail because the videos on my hard drive wouldn't play because he didn't have certain codecs to watch them

And his horrible dialup internet would make downloading them take forever. So fail haha!
His friend Jackie was there too and we basically just watched him go on his Wii and watched youtube videos.

The Owl in Animal Crossing is so adorable! Especially wen he gets all big-eyed

Kept talking about sleep paralysis
which they both experienced but I havent

Seems scary the way they talked about it!
Id probably cry it that ever happened to me!

Then his awesome mom gave us money for ice cream
nom nom nom..
We walked all the way to Cold Stone in the heat which felt like forever! But its walks like that that kinda makes it more fun ne? haha
When we were walking across a crosswalk, Ramón carried me then we almost got hit my a crazy lady on her cell who was making a left turn and didn't even care to wait
crazy b!tch..
Haha but of course we just laughed it off

When we finally got to Cold Stone, we took a while deciding.
Asking for samples to make the perfect choice hehe
I ended up gettin a mix of French Vanilla and Butterscotch Jello ice cream with Oreos
Sooo yummy..
We each got our own ice cream and still had left over for boba!
So we headed to Blenders next.
Bumped into people there and just chilled there till we finished our ice cream and boba
singing to the songs we knew that would play in the background haha.
Finally started heading back after a long while, still singing loudly(horribly)
Along with Jackie's amazing Shakira impressions (with dancing) which practically caused Ramón to die of laughter and my dog howls

We dropped by Nina's house for a breather and went into Kevin's room.
Got free glow sticks from Kevin!

But sadly mom was on her way to pick me up (and I wasn't even supposed to be walking around)

So Ramón and I ran backed to his place while Jackie stayed at Kevin's since Ramón was gonna go back with his bike.
While running back, we surprisingly ran into Karina in her car at a stoplight. Lucky!

She offered us a ride and we exchanged numbers before she left since its been so long since we saw her haha.
Then waited for mom to pick me up with my Taco Bell food
More nomness hehe

The fun ended too soon

Today I feel like sneaking off to Mitsuwa

The new September issues of all the Japanese Magazine seem to have so much NewS haha

Can't really choose though...
Ignoring all the failish hairstyles of NewS,
Winkup has the cutest photoshoot! Demo no poster..

Duet is the magazine I always buy and I absolute love how Yamapi looks on the cover
but the photoshoot doesnt seem as good as Winkup's.

Demo there's a NewS poster in it..
Demo fail hairstyles...
Potato has a NewS poster too and a somewhat nice photoshoot..
Demo such fail hairstyles...
Why can't NewS go back to their Summer Time look

Plus they're so expensive
..So ill jus have to settle with downloading scans for now..
*sigh* The life of a fangirl is tough.. lmao!

image Click to view

Thanks to this video I was rekindled with my love for W-inds.

I stopped listening to them for a while because the style of their music changed and little and I didnt like their newer songs too much.
But this song really was like their older style that I loved soo much.
I instantly fell in love with it

Plus the video is just freaking amazing The dancing and effects is so cool.
Especially the last half of it.
Oh man it gave me chills

And who W-inds. and DBSK were tight

This is a picture of Keita and Jaejoong.. apparently they've been close for a while?
I wanna see a picture of Ryohei with Changmin!

I found that absolutely crazy because I got so obsessed with the two bands about the same time.
Lol in 10th grade I had my folder decorated front and back with pictures of them

But yah thats a nice shocker for my Summer
.. haha even tho Im all super late

Well this entry has dragged on long enough

This is what happens wen I don't update in a while haha
So i'll end here.
Bai bai!

~Beloved Star

adventures, friends, school, grades, w-inds., pv, dbsk, summer, news

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