[belated] Happy Birthday Massu <3 + AX '09 Report

Jul 06, 2009 17:33

His actual birthday was on July 4th but I couldn't blog on that day since I was at AX till late that night because of the Masquerade.
He deserves to be greeted happy birthday bcuz he's so awesome.When someone else in NewS has a birthday like Yamapi or Tegoshi,
there ends up being soo many posts wishing them a happy birthday.
Sadly I didn't see very much for Massu I wanted to do it more because of that even if Im late

So to the adorable member who's always stuffing his mouth with food yet is so buff and fit (haha!) and always has the biggest innocent smile on.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY MASSU! <3

Moving on, so the anime expo has passed and is completely over.

Thank goodness...
This year felt MUCH MORE tiring... After each day, I felt like I was gonna collapse of exhaustion or at least cut my feet off from all the aching.
Yet I would still get home and isntantly continue sewing hoping to finish in time to wear my Babbit costume at least once. So I was constantly moving.
I guess it no surprise for me tho
After 6 years, AX does get pretty tiring.
(6 years?! I know rite.
too long..)
Im thinking about not even going next year or if I do, maybe for jus like a day or 2.

I got a lot of stuff this year thats for sure

Not gonna name everything. Everything is clearly shown hahaha. oh but cept the light orange Kyo shirt I forgot to add to the pic lol
Glad I finally caught up a lil bit with my Flame of Recca manga tho!. got 4 volumes
man that manga series is long.. haha
I cant believe I got a Yamapi photobook there!! I absolutely love it! <3 hehe
Also freakn this months and last months issue of Duet?!
I cant believe I never saw these things at AX before..

A couple of people recognized my Melfina cosplay. I even got a glomp from one of them!
So that made me pretty happy.
I think I might of taken the most pics this year.
I didn't take very much last year so I tried to make sure I took a good amount this year haha

Most of the pics I have Jelly to thank lol since she had a whole list of all the gatherings and locations

Day 1

Special A!!! Hikari and Megumi ♥ I was so surprised to find some this year. Seems like not many ppl know about it.
I really wish I gotta cosplay as someone from there too
They're uniforms are so cute! <3

Ruby Moon! <3 I remember I wanted to cosplay her before too haha Im such a dork

Finally someone cosplayed as Ashitaka and San together. Usually I always see jus one or the other

<3 Shaman King! First pic is of Taroboy cosplay
I dnt think I can ever show my face to them ever again.
Im too embarassed and ashamed at how I completely went fangirl status on them especially on the nite of the Masquerade. Iono why I got so flustered and freaked out. So lame!
LOl Jelly embarassed herself too rite before I did wen she went up to the wrong Black Butler cosplay group, bowed, and congradulated them on winning.

We practially sulked the whole ride home at how lame we were hahaha...

Hi-chew man! Had to take a pic with him
even from eattin so much hi-chew that day it made me feel sick lol

Day 2

Just about the best Black Cat cosplay ever.. ♥ I was in love haha

The best Len from Vocaloid! ♥

Lol I choked like a dumbass wen I saw them
RikaxRyo <3 so awesome

Yugioh with Aku and Hakuku! <3 I absolutely love them. Freakn Jelly did some quick smart thinking asking for a MarikxBakura pic

Favorite Hitman Reborn pics from the gathering hehe <3

Insanely huge pokemon gathering.. lol I have too many pics of them

♥ Lucia from Lunar and Trowa from Gundam Wing! Two cosplays I didnt expect to see at all, both done so well hehe

IceBitten ♥
I finally got go meet her and take a pic with her but now I seriously feel like I can never show my face to her again haha damn my social awkwardness..

♥ more old school! Power Rangers, Monster Rancher, Digimon

Its sad how no one is able to remember that woman's name from Power Rangers... hahahaha

♥ Ina and Tony!
Still kinda bummed out that I wasn't able to wear my Babbit hoodie cosplay with Ina since I didnt finish it in time. I wore it the next day.
Sorry Chrisantel

lol @ far left of the first pic hehe. so much avatar!

Day 3

The best Lightning ♥

Aisha Clanclan! ♥ She was so awesome!
Talked to her about Outlaw Star. She was even talking the way Aisha would and sounded just like her. Haha she was so kool!

After the first glomp scene hehe. They seemed so awkward doing it but I give them kudos for still doing it

♥ METABEE!!!! haha Jelly and I went crazy wen we saw him.
Darn I shoulda took a pic with him!

Met up with Yoko ♥ She's gotta be like the coolest person I met in college haha. She rocks
. Finally met her bf too who seemed really kool.

Day 4

AladdinxJasmine ♥
So adorable

Their skit in the Masquerade cracked me up so much.
Brought back so many good memories. Made me wanna play RO again hehe

HeeroxDuo from Gundam Wing ♥! The yaoi pose requested by Jelly again to no surprise.. lol.
The Duo is soo kool! Too bad I couldn't find a Quatre and a Wufei

The rest of the pics I took are HERE
Damn my camera dying the third day. Had to rely on Jelly the rest of the day for pictures lol.
I want her to send the one of us with Bubblebee already! It was soooo nice

And now its back to studying for Political Science!
I dont wanna study for my midterm!

I wanna go to Ramon's house and just watch a marathon of Digimon already...! hehehehehe ♥

~Beloved Star

anime, manga, birthdays, anime expo, cosplay, pictures, news

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