Spring Semister is Coming to an End

Jun 04, 2009 19:16

Changed my layout once more.
I wanted to have my own personalized banner that I made.
So I used one of the codes from okimiyage.

I hope she doesn't mind!
I love all her work. I usually use her layouts. I hope I can one day make layouts like her!
Haha Iono if I would say Im 100% totally satisfied with what I did though. But for making my first banner for LJ, I think its pretty adequate

Plus Ryo is so cute in it!! hehe!

Anyways so much to type about. So much has happened but I wanna cut it down.
Last day of work was last week
While at some extent Im like "
HURRAY!!!!", a part of me is still kinda sad to have it end.
Ima miss some of the ppl I met at tutoring
especially Jacky!
She was always such a pleasure to tutor. She was so funny.
Can you believe she's been best friends with her best friend for over 30 years?!

I think that's pretty impressive haha. I hope I have a friendship as strong as theirs one day

Im going to definately wish my coworkers Kelvin and Jennifer.

They adopted me as their little sister haha.. and somehow ill always see them that way.
They really are my sempais at work.
But though I was much younger, they still talked a lot with me as if I wasn't still a kid. well.. teenager haha
And everyone else Ive met from tutoring them.. though its been stressful at times, Ill definately miss them haha.
Maybe not Satoshi though

I hadn't been able to get in contact with Charles for a little over 2 weeks and I found out not to long ago that it was bcuz he decided to cut all social connections with me.. something he seem to just decide out of no where..

So I guess he's practically cutting me out and erasing me from his life..
It really drove me crazy at first and I admit it still kinda does but Ive been able to be a little calmer now.
Probably because this time I seriously can't do a thing.

He seems to have me blocked on everything and if not, is jus totally ignoring anything I send him.
I wanna keep trying or talk to him somehow because I dont want it to seem like I dont care because I do!

But I cant even reach him so its like me caring wudnt even make a difference..
So Im learning to try and really move on.. but I don't wanna forget what we once had.
I don't wanna forget all the good times.. Its not worth losing just to try and make myself feel better.
The other night I left myself cry as hard as I wanted for the last time and then after that told myself that I wudnt let myself dwell in losing him anymore.
I just want to be thankful for what we had then nottin at all, keep it with me to help me grow, and become a better person because of it.
ill miss him and never forget him thats for sure

And so this time.. it is finally over and time to say goodbye.. at least for now...

On a lighter note, finals is almost over!

Just Monday left and Im totally free!
Painting and Art Appreciation final is out of the way and I feel like I can finally breathe a little more

Just gotta knock out the in class essay for my English final and turn in my notebook for my Humanities final! well.. along with the essay revision, another 5-8 page essay, and revision of all my humanities assessments.

Plans for the summer so far...
Tomorrow(tho not quite done with school lol) going out to dinner with a bunch of college friends. Kelvin will be there! Ernesto and his wife are returning back to the Bay area. Ima miss them too!! So its kinda like a farewell hangout haha
Bye Ernesto! lol
I also gotta go to Ramon's house again! The last time wasn't good enough cuz I only got to stay for like an hr! haha but going to Mitsuwa was still fun

Work on cosplay with Chrisantel for Anime Expo! Oh man I hope they come out ok haha.
We've been planning for so long and are barely gonna get started next week haha
Course gonna hang out with the usual people as always- Chrisantel, Dominic, Michael, and Leonard.

Gonna get LOTS of sleep again <3 haha
Oh man.. and my monthly drawings
Im sooo behind in them. Gotta catch up with those. I still got to do them from March and after
And do everything else Ive been wanting to do for a while but cudnt cuz I was so short on time before.

Few more days!
Urgh so close!

Just gotta keep trying to do my best. Only thing I can really do ne?
Wish me luck!

~Beloved Star

work, life, friends, school, college

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