Dec 31, 2005 21:17
I'm sitting here with my wine listening to the chater of good friends and family and the sounds of pre- new year party fireworks :)
I don't believe in New Year's resolutions but I do believe in a better tomarrow!
Where I've been this year the sweet and the sour:
January 05: I had Hope and I had my dreams, I realized that Wanahasi was not what I wanted.
Febuary 05: I was focused and beginning to open up to a new person (who latter became My big Sis), I began to relaize St. John's didn't need me at all.
March 05: I was still determined and began to realize Wanahasi wasn't an entire flop; I took a chance on someone and a piece of me died.
April 05: I became distracted, Found a Church and my soul came back to life, I lost a friend I thought would be a there forever and for a second time in my life I found out the words "I Love You" don't always mean I love you and My great grand mother Died.
May 05: I quit CVS, My big sis Linds graduated leaving (willing) me with an amazing group of friends (her first but she likes to share), God provided a better job at a church, I was able to come back to samford by the grace of God and Dean Aquin,I finally understood that "You make communtiy where you are", and I got to play grown up with my own apartment and bills.
June 05: I thought I was going to die, found out who my real friends were, and for the first time in my life i used the words I love you and didn't mean them.
July 05: began to realize that ministry is a lonley place, that the most unlikely of people cared, was served a strong dose of God's truth (and even though it hurt it was exactly what was needed), and had my auto Immune defficance relapse all while trying to find my faith.
August 05: I went back to school determined and tiered, a good friend moved away and started his life over, I struggled with new asspects of my illness and the reality of it, I chose to hid away in extracurriculers and studies, I became very lonley and destitue and I joined Lakeside Baptist Church.
September 05: I stayed determined, chased my faith harder, became more overwhelmed than ever,My grandfather turrned 72 branched out and opened up to unlikely people, and chose to seek out people who I missed.
October 05: I turned 21 and my grandmother turned 65, realized the presure of school, no job, my family, and finaces, I was encouraged and looked after, I went to Chicago and St. luis on my first ever road trip, made new friends and actually tried in those relationships, I lost all hope and became very aware of spirtual warfare.
November 05: I moved back on campus and closer to friends, I had found that God had healed my illness, my parents hit mid- 50's and celebrated 28 years togeather, I saw the pain of lost loved ones during the holidays and learned that there are strangers who pray for me.
December 05: My friend Whit Warren Died, I found out that there were more problems with my immune system (still not sure of what) I fluncked out of college, I was shown grace yet again by God and dean Aquin, took on new leadership, decided that I would do only one thing in the church (not sure what that is yet), found My HOPE and My Faith, had the best christmas ever with my family, started to really hear God in my life, Learned to fight for myself, spent time with my big sis, I was encouraged by so many people both Christians and those who are still looking, and was given wisdom (from my mother and God) to help me through these times.
I will say this 2005 was a good a Year it had its up's and down's and I wouldn't change a thig that happened and I have no regrets (despite the fact I've told some of you that I did) and no worries about what happened.
I am looking forward to what lies ahaed in this New Year and I pray that God's Peace and Grace be with you to the end of time.
Much Love to You,
Susan M. Johnson (Beloved Trizah)
new year